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Public forum posts since 05 Apr '24 .
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  1. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    05 May '24 16:03
    @mchill said
    These two faiths are closely related and are members of a larger religious group known as the Abrahamic Religions. Abrahamic religions are the religions which are based on an ancient Israelite religious figure known as Abraham.

    OK - So why are you telling us this?
    I was not telling, I was merely asking.

    If God promised to make Abraham the father of a nation (descendants), which would eventually be as numerous as the number of stars in the heavens and as numerous as the grains of sand in the sea, would you say that the promise has been met? If the nation of Israel, which is tiny, represents the descendants of Father Abraham, clearly the analogy is not appropriate.

    However, if we consider the analogy as being a religious one, then perhaps God's promise takes on a different meaning. It may be said that from Abraham, we do have the majority of the world's population being his descendants (religiously).

    A recent estimate gives the total number of followers of the combined Abrahamic religions to be approximately 4.3 billion.
  2. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    04 May '24 21:11
    Genesis 22:17 reads, "I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies."

    "There are many religions practiced around the world. However, there are few having millions of followers. Two of largest religions in the world based on the number of members are Christianity and Islam. These two faiths are closely related and are members of a larger religious group known as the Abrahamic Religions. Abrahamic religions are the religions which are based on an ancient Israelite religious figure known as Abraham." ---

  3. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    04 May '24 20:47
    @divegeester said
    Why are you twisted up PettyTalk?
    Do you go dancing on the weekends?

  4. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    04 May '24 20:29
    @suzianne said
    Some would count as "bank holidays" if we called them that, since the banks ARE closed.

    Not the ATMs, though. They are always open, unless there is a malfunction. I mean, that IS why they exist, to dispense cash when the bank is closed, right?
    Therefore we owe thanks for ATMs availability to bank closures?

    I suppose you are going to tell us next that a permanent bank holiday is called bankruptcy?
  5. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    04 May '24 20:13
    @divegeester said
    You seem upset again today PettyTalk.
    FMF would never have started such a ridiculous thread as this one. Why don't you have him give you some lesser ridiculous ideas to use as topics of discussion?
  6. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    04 May '24 14:12
    @divegeester said
    Sure, thanks for asking mchill.

    Galveston75 is a Jehovah’s Witness who has been posting (off and on) in this forum for as long as I have. Maybe 15 years or more. Like other religionists he is deeply embedded in the corporate group think and spiritual superiority of his particular cult, which tries to present itself as “God’s sole voice of truth on Earth”.

    Part of t ...[text shortened]...
    It does not make sense to me. Can you please expound on it by presenting many more details? Can you give a dissertation on your knowledge and experiences with the various religious cults, and their members?
  7. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    04 May '24 13:58
    @great-big-stees said
    My younger brother and I once, mistakenly, offered our sister, what we thought was chocolate candy. We were in error. Turned out to be Ex-Lax.😲
    I suppose we can make your error to be on-topic. This Forum, since FMF's departure has stagnated, and we are all constipated with what he left behind, a dense turd of a twin.

    We can all use some of the chocolate you gave your sister, ever since....
  8. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    04 May '24 13:43
    @great-big-stees said
    Hmmmm. Imagine that.👍
    I imagine that the sideways avatar picture is a current image of you?
  9. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    04 May '24 13:36
  10. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    04 May '24 13:31
    @divegeester said
    Bank holiday.

    How many of these do you have where you live?
    Are all the banks closed on bank holidays? Even the ATMs are closed?

    You are lazy as usual, or just start threads for the usual arguments to get your kicks in. Perhaps a little of both?

    Calendars of public holidays and bank holidays | Office Holidays
  11. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    03 May '24 23:33
    @divegeester said
    You seem upset again tonight PettyTalk.
    I thought it was a nice suggestion. You could kill two birds with one stone. You could sit in front of the fireplace, getting your body cozy and warn, and at the same time you could have warm memories of your longtime twin, since he has departed. You could color his face blue, and it would be blue on blue. I'll bet you can't get over not having a twin around here anymore.

  12. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    03 May '24 23:16
    @kellyjay said
    People do a lot of things to pleasure themselves, eating, drinking, sex, pornography, drugs, extreme experiences, and even watching or participating in the pain or pleasure others experience. The love of the world and those that love God focus is on different things, one God, the other anything else.

    Focusing on God we still get the pleasures in this life properly lived out, while making anything in the world the focus we lose it all in the end.
    How do you focus on God? Do you know where to look, and who this God really is, provided He even exists?

    I suppose you mean focusing on selling everything you own in this world and giving all the proceeds to the poor, thereby transferring your earthly treasures of pleasure and pain to God's heaven?
  13. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    03 May '24 22:13
    @kellyjay said
    True which is why pleasure destroys more people’s lives than pain.
    A wise man once said that love is a mixture of pleasure and pain.

    Are pleasure and pain evil?

    Is not the promise of an eternal life without pain, tears, and death a most pleasurable one? And the promise is made even sweeter than honey by being offered free, through grace. Why work if you will get paid just the same as those who do? Even Jesus did not go that far, as in his parable one had to work to get paid. All the workers got paid the same, whether they had worked 8 hours or just one hour. But the point that gets overlooked is that they all had to work. Jesus did not pay (Grace) them just for standing around in the town's square.

    If you want to get into the Kingdom you have to work for it, more or less. So the last will be first, and the first will be last, which will be based on more or less the work we do as detailed in the parable of Matthew 25:31-46.

    Matthew 20:1-16 The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.

    "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard.

    “About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went.

    “He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’

    “‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.

    “He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’

    “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’

    “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

    “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

    “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

    Come now, don't tell me Paul was not a good salesman of pleasure? He stopped being a pursuing hunter of new Christians, and became the greatest trapper of all time. A smooth operator which made for himself the greatest sheep costume any bad wolf could want. Free Grace is the greatest lure a wolf can use to trap sheep, and also any sheep in the making.

    Yes, pleasure and pain can sometimes easily overcome common sense. Our Jimi here was one of those, where the pleasure and pressure of success and fame overwhelmed him to the point of drug addiction and overdosing to ease the pain of trying to cope with such strong emotions, prematurely destroying his physical life. And we were deprived of the pleasure of many more years of his God-given musical talent.

  14. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    03 May '24 20:01
    @divegeester said
    I’m thinking of painting the chimney breast in my lounge in a contrast colour. The walls are pale in Dulux Nutmeg White and I’m thinking Oxford Blue for the chimney breast.

    Colour suggestions?
    If it's plaster, why not have a talented painter do a fresco on it? Perhaps the colorful face of your twin, FMF, with his corny crown.
  15. Joined
    14 Jan '19
    03 May '24 15:08
    @kellyjay said
    I don’t depend on them but I don’t mind allowing who I am playing take the bait.
    Traps are the Devil's main go-to tools. A successful trap needs to be adorned with tempting objects, which will attract the victim to it. A trap also needs to be well camouflaged for the more weary ones. The ones who have been forewarned are the ones who fall for it the most, since the forewarning was part of the plan for setting up the trap all along. Everlasting life is certainly tempting, especially when offered free, for the taking.

    How to GRACEfully setup a tender trap. BEWARE! When the salesman is offering the product for free there must be something "fishy" about it. It's like the charitable fisherman offering fish nice juicy worms, free for the taking. No strings attached?

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