Who was (is) Jesus ?

Who was (is) Jesus ?


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38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
18 Apr 11

The Historical Jesus who (is) was he?

My assertion is that He was 100% Human and 100% God.
Of course I take my account from the biblical record.

John 1:1 In the beginning the Word was with God and the word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Every single cult or aboration off of Christianity starts with a mis-understanding of who Christ is and the true nature of Christ.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
18 Apr 11

We also should take a serious look at the claims that Jesus made about himself.

I agree with one statement I read or heard that either Jesus was the worst liar and crazy in history OR He is God and the redeemer of mankind. If the first be true then Christians are the most desperate lot of all in history.


The 'edit'or

converging to it

21 Aug 06
18 Apr 11
3 edits

If I were to run with the proposition that Jesus existed, then he was 100% human (and consequently performed no miracles, is not the son of God, and so on...); all the fantastical stories told about him are gross exaggerations - as is consistent with human nature.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
18 Apr 11

Originally posted by Agerg
If I were to run with the proposition that Jesus existed, then he was 100% human (and consequently performed no miracles, is not the son of God, and so on...); all the fantastical stories told about him are gross exaggerations - as is consistent with human nature.
Fair enough but just what if the opposite were true? The miracles and the walking on water and defying the laws of nature? I agree that some dude that lived 2000+ years ago what significants does that have for me today? Really though? because if what you say is true then who cares right?


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
18 Apr 11

I have say those that this Jesus has caused more controversy I would say than any other person in history.


Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
18 Apr 11

He was an invention by the early Christian church. Jesus Christ is actually a pagan god.

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
18 Apr 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Conrau K
He was an invention by the early Christian church. Jesus Christ is actually a pagan god.
LOL do you really believe that?
I was thinking about Paul (Saul) and how he was a chief of the Jewish faith and was only a rising star. What caused him to do an 180? How about the others who died in the name of Christ. A waste?


The Axe man


11 Apr 09
18 Apr 11

Originally posted by menace71
The Historical Jesus who (is) was he?

My assertion is that He was 100% Human and 100% God.
Of course I take my account from the biblical record.

John 1:1 In the beginning the Word was with God and the word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, f ...[text shortened]... of Christianity starts with a mis-understanding of who Christ is and the true nature of Christ.
"100% human and 100% God".

I'm not the best mathematician, but that dont add up.
Could you rephrase that part?

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
18 Apr 11

Originally posted by menace71
We also should take a serious look at the claims that Jesus made about himself.

I agree with one statement I read or heard that either Jesus was the worst liar and crazy in history OR He is God and the redeemer of mankind. If the first be true then Christians are the most desperate lot of all in history.

He would've had to have been one real charismatic liar to get his legacy to last for so long.
Anyway, is there no third option?

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
18 Apr 11

Originally posted by menace71
I have say those that this Jesus has caused more controversy I would say than any other person in history.

I'm not sure about that. But he's up there, for sure.

You gotta remember that the majority of the world aren't on the net or are christians.

It seems every religous person of note has caused much controversy, but to say that Jesus was the MOST contreversial is , I think, a Euro-centric view.

Either way, it seems humanity has needed this controversy to help wake out of their collective slumber(s) (?).

Change is coming, it is inevitable, but how dramatic this change is (or how easily we'll come through this transition), depends on us. We all have some power to influence this change. It doesn't have to be as rough as some make out.

Jesus doesn't want to be worshipped, he just wants people to get along.

Why is it so hard for people to get along? I see it all the time- people who should be friends and helping eachother often become enemies and end up blaming eachother for their problems. Very un-Jesus like, if you ask me.

The blame game is very lame.


15 Oct 06
18 Apr 11

Originally posted by karoly aczel
I'm not sure about that. But he's up there, for sure.

You gotta remember that the majority of the world aren't on the net or are christians.

It seems every religous person of note has caused much controversy, but to say that Jesus was the MOST contreversial is , I think, a Euro-centric view.

Either way, it seems humanity has needed this controv ...[text shortened]... her for their problems. Very un-Jesus like, if you ask me.

The blame game is very lame.
Why is it so hard for people to get along? I see it all the time- people who should be friends and helping eachother often become enemies and end up blaming eachother for their problems. Very un-Jesus like, if you ask me.

As Gandhi said:
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
18 Apr 11

Originally posted by menace71
LOL do you really believe that?
I was thinking about Paul (Saul) and how he was a chief of the Jewish faith and was only a rising star. What caused him to do an 180? How about the others who died in the name of Christ. A waste?

LOL do you really believe that?

No. But it seems a lot of Christians on this site believe that almost everything was invented by early apostate Christians under the influence of pagans: Easter, Christmas, the Trinity, Communion, etc. Surely Jesus must also be the result of some pagan influence?

Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
18 Apr 11

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
[b]Why is it so hard for people to get along? I see it all the time- people who should be friends and helping eachother often become enemies and end up blaming eachother for their problems. Very un-Jesus like, if you ask me.

As Gandhi said:
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”[/b]
Agreed 🙂

and I'm guilty of this also


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
18 Apr 11

Originally posted by Conrau K
[b]LOL do you really believe that?

No. But it seems a lot of Christians on this site believe that almost everything was invented by early apostate Christians under the influence of pagans: Easter, Christmas, the Trinity, Communion, etc. Surely Jesus must also be the result of some pagan influence?[/b]
Ok sarcasm LOL 🙂 I get it


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
18 Apr 11

Originally posted by karoly aczel
"100% human and 100% God".

I'm not the best mathematician, but that dont add up.
Could you rephrase that part?
Theanthropos God Man LOL from the Greek combining man & god. Karoly what does Christ want then? If not worship from us? How would you(anyone) know? The bible is in my estimation the best way to know.
