Science breakthrough, Atheist Ray!

Science breakthrough, Atheist Ray!


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
26 Jul 06
2 edits

This just in, scientists at the woods hole intsitute of technology just made a major discovery, a certain combination of radio and sonar frequncies that converts religious people to atheists! They reportedly aimed the beam out the window which was next to a small Pentacostal church next door, quite by acdident and the whole congregation realised immediately they had been taken in by their previous religion and haven't been seen since, including the head preacher who now runs a health spa in Maine! The scientists involved with the project deny deliberately targeting the church but several synagogs, two wats and a muslim sanctuary have all emptied of people who seem to now be enjoying life to the fullest now that their religious ferver is gone.
The scientists involved have gone underground, in pursuit by two scientologists and the Iahtollah as well as orders coming out of the Vatican for a reward of 10 million US dollars if they are located, dead or alive. News at 11.



27 Apr 05
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
This just in, scientists at the woods hole intsitute of tedhnology just made a major discovery, a certain combination of radio and sonar frequncies that converts religious people to atheists! They reportedly aimed the beam out the window which was next to a small Pentacostal church next door, quite by acdident and the whole congregation realised immediately ...[text shortened]... e Vatican for a reward of 10 million US dollars if they are located, dead or alive. News at 11.
Actually, I don't think it's worth it - I mean getting rid of the misconceptions of the religious is one thing, but if they're going to all open up health spas I'm just not sure that's a price I'm willing to pay.

All Bark, No Bite

Playing percussion

13 Jul 05
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by scottishinnz
Actually, I don't think it's worth it - I mean getting rid of the misconceptions of the religious is one thing, but if they're going to all open up health spas I'm just not sure that's a price I'm willing to pay.
You make an excellent point. These guys had good intentions, but the collateral damage is just way beyond what is acceptable.


21 Jul 06
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by UmbrageOfSnow
You make an excellent point. These guys had good intentions, but the collateral damage is just way beyond what is acceptable.h
What collateral damage?



27 Apr 05
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by royaltystatement
What collateral damage?
The opening of health spas is considerable "collateral damage" as far as I can see.

All Bark, No Bite

Playing percussion

13 Jul 05
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by royaltystatement
What collateral damage?
It's like if I shoot you, and the bullet accidently kills ScottishinNZ too.


21 Jul 06
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by UmbrageOfSnow
It's like if I shoot you, and the bullet accidently kills ScottishinNZ too.
So ScottishNZ is the collateral.
So, collateral is like, satan tries to take your soul, and in taking your soul, he takes your body and your actions as well, but not by accident.


21 Jul 06
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by royaltystatement
So ScottishNZ is the collateral.
So, collateral is like, satan tries to take your soul, and in taking your soul, he takes your body and your actions as well, but not by accident.
This would make your body, or YOU collateral for the devil.

All Bark, No Bite

Playing percussion

13 Jul 05
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by royaltystatement
So ScottishNZ is the collateral.
So, collateral is like, satan tries to take your soul, and in taking your soul, he takes your body and your actions as well, but not by accident.
More of you acomplished your goal, but accidentially did damage to or destoryed something which is good and you really wanted to avoid damaging.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
26 Jul 06

NEWS FLASH! Reports coming out of Cape Canaveral saying there are two Woods Hole scientists taking over the world wide satellite communications systems and the satellites are changing the angle of radiation coming from them, apparently targeting the Vatican and Teharan with some mysterious new beam, supposedly to covert the christians in Rome and the Muslims in Teharan to Atheists! Unconfirmed reports are coming out of the holy see with the Pope renouncing christianity and opening up all the secret archives of the church, and the Iahtollah is reportedly telling his people to stop attacking westerners. Rivera will be reporting from Teharan in about 6 hours.


21 Jul 06
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by UmbrageOfSnow
More of you acomplished your goal, but accidentially did damage to or destoryed something which is good and you really wanted to avoid damaging.
But surley there can be negative affects of an aciton and the negative effects count as collateral.
Who knows?
What if you wanted to kill ScottishNZ and though you thought you didn't want to kill him, that perception was just an emotion in which you believe to be valid.
If your evil and you are committed to evil, my suggestion is that you be as evil as possible while you can because it will be a waste if while in Hell you realize all the evil things you could have done but didn't do.
Yeah, I'm encouraging you to follow the path which you have chosen as I do, wholeheartedly.



27 Apr 05
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
NEWS FLASH! Reports coming out of Cape Canaveral saying there are two Woods Hole scientists taking over the world wide satellite communications systems and the satellites are changing the angle of radiation coming from them, apparently targeting the Vatican and Teharan with some mysterious new beam, supposedly to covert the christians in Rome and the Musli ...[text shortened]... his people to stop attacking westerners. Rivera will be reporting from Teharan in about 6 hours.
Now is a good time to be in the health spa building business.


21 Jul 06
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
NEWS FLASH! Reports coming out of Cape Canaveral saying there are two Woods Hole scientists taking over the world wide satellite communications systems and the satellites are changing the angle of radiation coming from them, apparently targeting the Vatican and Teharan with some mysterious new beam, supposedly to covert the christians in Rome and the Musli ...[text shortened]... his people to stop attacking westerners. Rivera will be reporting from Teharan in about 6 hours.
Keep us posted


06 Jul 06
26 Jul 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
This just in, scientists at the woods hole intsitute of technology just made a major discovery, a certain combination of radio and sonar frequncies that converts religious people to atheists! They reportedly aimed the beam out the window which was next to a small Pentacostal church next door, quite by acdident and the whole congregation realised immediately ...[text shortened]... e Vatican for a reward of 10 million US dollars if they are located, dead or alive. News at 11.
this is a joke, right?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
26 Jul 06

Hello, Giraldo Rivera here. Reports just coming in about the woods hole scientists who incidently, refuse to be identified, have miniaturized the so-called Atheist ray and have a manufacturing deal with a taiwanese business to mass produce them at a cost of about ten dollars US. They have reportedly made about 50,000 of these guns, they call Aray guns, in the last week and will have ten million on the market in less than six months. Already, churches in twenty cities have been emptied and the whereabouts of these scientists is still a mystery. Secret religious armies are mobilizing as we speak in an attempt to locate the manufacturing facility. Now to Chrisian Amapour who is on the scene in Taiwan.

Hello folks, Christian Amapour here in Taiwan. The scene I am witnessing can only be described as chaotic. Warlike preparations are being made here as a frantic search for the Aray manufacturing facility is going on at the behest of the Vatican, which has had an internal restructuring since the pope disappeared under suspicious circumstances. The new pope was hastily elected, black smoke was seen for only about an hour before the white, an extraordinary happening. Powerful forces are being unleached worldwide to eliminate this religious threat. I see thousands of soldiers organized in small brigades going from building to building seaching for these Aray guns. Since most of these soldiers are already atheists the guns will have little effect on them so the commanders have no worry about defections. They said they will locate this terroristic group at all cost.
Back to you Giraldo.
Well there you have it, live from Taiwan. More on this story as it unfolds. Giraldo Rivera here saying good night and God Bless.