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Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
13 May 05

Originally posted by blindfaith101
Simply put, where in the BIBLE, does it say that Salvation is a process. Where is in the BIBLE is "according to strict, literal, Christian, Biblical Doctrine", does it say that Salvation is a process?
You need to learn how to read. I have no intention of teaching you.

Start with defining process ('series of actions or operations directed towards a result'😉.

Then review St Matthew 25:31-46 and review that a continuous series of actions
or operations are required on the part of a truly faithful Christian (i.e., one who
is going to be saved).

Failure to maintain those actions is testimony to non-salvation. One may fail in
that effort at any time (which is why one cannot know if one is saved).

Hence: process (as supported by words attributed to Jesus in sacred Scripture).



Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
13 May 05

Originally posted by blindfaith101
When you accept CHRIST as your Savior, you are saved. Not waiting for the proccess of salvation to begin or end.

The process begins with your birth and ends with your life. You don't 'wait' for anything
(except death). Accepting Christ as your Savior entails all matter of duty. If you aren't
fulfilling those duties, you haven't 'accepted' Him.

Have you fed any hungry people this week, BlindFaith? If not, we can conclude that you
aren't saved because you haven't accepted Christ.

GOD, CHRIST, and the HOLY SPIRIT are well aware of what I do and have done, to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven.

You are a heretic. You can do nothing to gain entrance into heaven according to Biblical
Doctrine; it is a gift. You cannot earn it.


Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
13 May 05

Originally posted by blindfaith101
Being saved is accepting JESUS CHRIST as your Savior. As well as living and doing all that HE taught. When you accept CHRIST as your Savior, you are saved. Not waiting for the proccess of salvation to begin or end.
GOD, CHRIST, and the HOLY SPIRIT are well aware of what I do and have done, to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven.
You can only believe that by deliberately ignoring Jesus' words in Matthew 25:31-46. Go ahead and do so; but don't call yourself a "Christian" i.e. someone who believes in Christ's teachings if you do.


16 Dec 04
13 May 05

Originally posted by Nemesio
Originally posted by blindfaith101
[b]When you accept CHRIST as your Savior, you are saved. Not waiting for the proccess of salvation to begin or end.

The process begins with your birth and ends with your life. You don't 'wait' for anything
(except death). Accepting Christ as your Savior entails all matter of duty. If you aren't
fulfi ...[text shortened]... rance into heaven according to Biblical
Doctrine; it is a gift. You cannot earn it.

As of yet you have not given anything in Scripture that says that man's Salvation is a process.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
13 May 05

Originally posted by blindfaith101
As of yet you have not given anything in Scripture that says that man's Salvation is a process.
Really? Explain Matthew 25:31-46 then; I'm sure there's a fundie "cheat sheet" you can use somewhere.


Pittsburgh, PA

05 Mar 02
13 May 05

Originally posted by blindfaith101
As of yet you have not given anything in Scripture that says that man's Salvation is a process.
Then you don't understand the defintion of 'process' and will never understand
Scripture sufficiently to follow the teachings of Christ.

So much for Salvation for you!

See ya in hell!


16 Dec 04
13 May 05

Originally posted by Nemesio
Then you don't understand the defintion of 'process' and will never understand
Scripture sufficiently to follow the teachings of Christ.

So much for Salvation for you!

See ya in hell!
If you are content to go there,be well. You'll have plenty time to think about why you have rejected, the offer of Salvation that JESUS CHRIST freely gives.


01 Dec 04
13 May 05

Originally posted by blindfaith101
Being saved is accepting JESUS CHRIST as your Savior. As well as living and doing all that HE taught. When you accept CHRIST as your Savior, you are saved. Not waiting for the proccess of salvation to begin or end.
GOD, CHRIST, and the HOLY SPIRIT are well aware of what I do and have done, to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Be on your guard against mechanically regurgitating teachings you've been indoctrinated with.

One day all realize that "being saved" does not mean that your personal accountability has been transferred to God's bank account, and that your soul now automatically resides in some Swiss "heaven" of holy cheese. Do not mistake spiritual realization with having your diapers changed by a Cosmic Parent. You still have to pay your debts. God's salvation is not a process of bankruptcy wherein merely repeating "Jesus I surrender to you" and incurring blissful energetic experiences akin to hysterical identification with a religious icon automatically relieves you of all human error or propensity for such. Be alert to the need to assume responsibility for who you are, lest you fall off the spiritual wagon with a resounding thud. Many have...

The subjective experience of "salvation" is common to all traditions. The Christian "born again". The practitioner of Kundalini Yoga. The person undergoing conversion to the Will of Allah. The person converted to a relationship with the Great Spirit in a Native Indian Vision Quest. The person hearing Yahweh's I AM THAT I AM in Judaism. The person breaking through to "satori" in Zen Buddhism. The person experiencing "samadhi" in Raja Yoga, etc, etc.

All these experiences are subjectively valid, but they become ruined the moment your ego hijacks the process and makes the error of identifying the experience with a particular form of teaching. In so doing, you automatically make all other "forms" wrong. This is the seeds of prejudice and discrimination, and has been behind most religiously motivated wars. Some of the most violent people in history were those who originally confused a valid mystical experience with a religious doctrine and so became righteous and militant about their experience. "This is the only way; follow it, or be doomed."

Where have we heard that before? Hmm, let me see...

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
13 May 05

Originally posted by blindfaith101
If you are content to go there,be well. You'll have plenty time to think about why you have rejected, the offer of Salvation that JESUS CHRIST freely gives.
Nothing's free, Junior; you don't get to merely go around clucking "I'm going to Heaven" like a Pharisee, you have to do acts of mercy and love to aid your fellow man. Read Matthew 25:31-46. I don't think you're gonna make it; too much self-pride and arrogance. Tough titty for you, pal.

Bruno's Ghost

In a hot place

11 Sep 04
13 May 05

Originally posted by blindfaith101
If you are content to go there,be well. You'll have plenty time to think about why you have rejected, the offer of Salvation that JESUS CHRIST freely gives.
Screaming "I'M SAVED!!!!!!!" from the rooftops will be replaced by
screaming " IT'S HOT!!!!!!!" if you don't wise up and stop
talking the talk without walking the walk.

You have invoked Christ as your path to salvation, it's up to you if you will follow him on it.

You have been warned!


16 Dec 04
13 May 05

Originally posted by frogstomp
Screaming "I'M SAVED!!!!!!!" from the rooftops will be replaced by
screaming " IT'S HOT!!!!!!!" if you don't wise up and stop
talking the talk without walking the walk.

You have invoked Christ as your path to salvation, it's up to you if you will follow him on it.

You have been warned!
No screaming that I am saved from the roooftops,does not mean that I am Saved. But acceptting and doing THE WORD OF GOD, does. THE WORD OF GOD gives Salvation and also condemms. This is one of the reasons that a Believer need not fear the Words of man or the unsaved. Yes I am firm in my beliefs and faith in THE WORD OF GOD. Yes what GOD allows me to say may be hard and offensive to some. But it would be offensive to GOD if I donot do as HE has given me to do. I am doing all that I can do to keep from going to hell. Are You?????


16 Dec 04
13 May 05

Originally posted by no1marauder
Nothing's free, Junior; you don't get to merely go around clucking "I'm going to Heaven" like a Pharisee, you have to do acts of mercy and love to aid your fellow man. Read Matthew 25:31-46. I don't think you're gonna make it; too much self-pride and arrogance. Tough titty for you, pal.
Yes I have read MATTHEW Chapter 25, and I know that I am bound by my faith to follow every word. One thing I have found in Life is there is no pride in truth. That is one of the reasons that I thank GOD, that HE allows me to not only live the truth, but to speak the truth as well. Can you that do not believe say the same. not condemm yourself.

W.P. Extraordinaire

State of Franklin

13 Aug 03
13 May 05

Originally posted by Nemesio
We've been over this point, too. Being saved is a process.
There is no discrete moment in time during your natural life
that you are saved because you can always do things which
permanently jeapordize your salvation status (e.g., blaspheme
the Holy Spirit -- the unforgivable sin).
What does "being saved" mean to you?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
13 May 05
1 edit

Originally posted by blindfaith101
Yes I have read MATTHEW Chapter 25, and I know that I am bound by my faith to follow every word. One thing I have found in Life is there is no pride in truth. That is one of the reasons that I thank GOD, that HE allows me to not only ...[text shortened]... not believe say the same. not condemm yourself.
BF: Yes I have read MATTHEW Chapter 25, and I know that I am bound by my faith to follow every word.

Then why do you deny the truth of Jesus' words in Matthew 25:31-46 which clearly state that on Judgment Day ALL will be judged on how they treated their fellow men? You are not speaking the truth to claim otherwise. Either Jesus is wrong or you are wrong or you're both wrong. I asked you before; you claim that no works are necessary for salvation - please explain Matthew 25:31-46 which says that EVERYONE will be judged solely on what they do - not one word about "faith". You are, like RBHILL, acting like a Pharisee by shouting you are "Saved" in everyone's face: see Luke 11:43.


Not Kansas

10 Jul 04
13 May 05

Originally posted by Coletti
Amazing isn't it. You'd think it was written by God the way it's held up over the years. Still a best seller too!
"There's a sucker born every minute" PT Barnum ?