Prayreading the Word

Prayreading the Word


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Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Jun 16

Originally posted by yoctobyte
I am afraid all the talking in the world can't change some, I think the dude is unteachable and that is a shame.
I actually don't believe that about him, he has actually added to my walk with Christ in our
debates. I don't agree with him on a lot of points, but on some key ones I do. He does get
under my skin more than most too, but I never want to write him off.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Jun 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
This problem you have started with this statement I made apparently:

- claims of HS gifts most of which are a sham

Most people of normal intelligence and reading/interpretation skills will see that it means:
- not all those who make this claim are lying, although some are
- there is no reason to believe that the writer is saying that what the ...[text shortened]... and.

I would not be doing that .. so in the future here is some advice .. dont read my posts.
Do you know what Jesus was talking about when he was addressing us and ended up
saying we need to worry about the log in our own eyes?


03 Sep 13
22 Jun 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
I actually don't believe that about him, he has actually added to my walk with Christ in our
debates. I don't agree with him on a lot of points, but on some key ones I do. He does get
under my skin more than most too, but I never want to write him off.
In rethinking the comment, it was too harsh. i really don't write anyone off or think there is no hope, because I do.



04 Apr 04
22 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by KellyJay
in the book of Acts we see people who were the disciples were called Christians first at
Antioch. The word Christian around the world has a meaning of those who claim to follow
Jesus Christ, but with how you are defining it, it is only what people want to call
themselves. The movement is associated with Jesus Christ it is used to again describe
Jesus' f ...[text shortened]... to be, and
not smear Jesus by allowing them to use that name as something that they really are.
Nobody smears Christ. People smear themselves by claiming to believe in Christ and then acting inappropriately. Christ said let the wheat and the tares grow together and in the end he will separate them. Your mistake is to make a judgment as to who is and who is not Christian. Let Christ decide

Again I disagree with your second paragraph. There are evil Christians. Paul speaking to Christian saints said:

Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it,...
If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. ...
If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; .... (1 Corinthians 3:13-17 KJV)

Paul said that there are 3 types of Christians:
- those whose work is good and will be rewarded
- those whose work is not as good but who will still be saved
- those whose work is evil and who will be destroyed.

For you to claim that sinful Christians are an insult to Christ means that you do not understand the Bible ... clearly.



04 Apr 04
22 Jun 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
I actually don't believe that about him, he has actually added to my walk with Christ in our
debates. I don't agree with him on a lot of points, but on some key ones I do. He does get
under my skin more than most too, but I never want to write him off.
Well first Im glad that what I say has added to your walk with Christ, but I have said nothing but what Jesus and the Apostles said. Maybe you need to pay more attention to what they say rather that follow some of the notorious Bible interpreters around here.

As for this writing off business ... you have known me around here for many years... do you think it matters to me what people say?



04 Apr 04
22 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by KellyJay
Do you know what Jesus was talking about when he was addressing us and ended up
saying we need to worry about the log in our own eyes?
I have heard that before. .. not interested.

I dont chase you down asking you a pile of questions over and over.
I dont ask you personal questions about yourself, as a defense for poor doctrine.

So I therefore treat you with greater respect and regard than you treat me .. obviously.
My harsh words come about when you [and others] harass and condemn me, and most of that comes about because many here cannot properly reconcile their false teachings with the Bible.

I dont need peoples support, thumbsup, etc. When it comes to the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles I know what the truth is and I am happy to stand alone.


26 Aug 07
22 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Rajk999
I have heard that before. .. not interested.

I dont chase you down asking you a pile of questions over and over.
I dont ask you personal questions about yourself, as a defense for poor doctrine.

So I therefore treat you with greater respect and regard than you treat me .. obviously.
My harsh words come about when you [and others] harass and condemn m ...[text shortened]... the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles I know what the truth is and I am happy to stand alone.
Ask Kelly about the log in his eye, he talks about being a Christian but ask him about the people here that he has cut off and refuses to forgive because they have taken a stance that he does not agree with. He talks the talk but don't ask him to walk the walk. His self proclaimed title to walk your faith is entirely inappropriate and hypocritical, he is about as forgiving as Ming the Merciless.


10 Apr 12
22 Jun 16
3 edits

Originally posted by sonship
That is the biggest load of bunkum I have ever had the misfortune to come across in these forums.

No it isn't. A ministry which is really of God gives people a WAY to get into the matters that it teaches and preaches.

is being recovered by God's people. And I absolutely believe that it is a move of the Holy Spirit ...[text shortened]... e.

I am not sure I can expect a Jehovah's Witness to understand this. But I'll give it a try.[/b]
So, why isn't this word in the Bible?
you are making things up.
This is dangerous for you and all who listen to you.
The word meditation is in the Bible.
Try thinking about what you read in the Bible
and let God;s Holy Spirit work on you.



04 Apr 04
22 Jun 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Ask Kelly about the log in his eye, he talks about being a Christian but ask him about the people here that he has cut off and refuses to forgive because they have taken a stance that he does not agree with. He talks the talk but don't ask him to walk the walk. His self proclaimed title to walk your faith is entirely inappropriate and hypocritical, he is about as forgiving as Ming the Merciless.
KJ ? What say you?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Jun 16

Originally posted by roigam
So, why isn't this word in the Bible?
you are making things up.
This is dangerous for you and all who listen to you.
The word meditation is in the Bible.
Try thinking about what you read in the Bible
and let God;s Holy Spirit work on you.
So, why isn't this word in the Bible?

Reading is in the Bible. And Praying is in the Bible.

We just compounded the two words together - prayread.

Throughout Christian history many Christians have in their own words spoken of the benefit they derived from praying over and with the words of the Bible.

Besides David testified how he LOVED the word of God - Psalm 119:47,48,97,113,127,140,159,163,165, 167.

Do you object to expressing love towards God and His word by praying ?
We can love God's word WITH the spiritual exercise of praying as we read, while we read, during our reading.

So the phrase prayread is quite appropriate.

you are making things up.

Saints of God have been praying and reading and mixing the two together for centuries.
I can claim no originality concerning that practice. I showed you Jesus praying with the words of the Bible even at the point of His death -

[quoe] " And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is

My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Matt. 27:46)

In utter anguish He called out to His God with the very ancient inspired words of the Scripture of Psalm 22:1.

One time I went to a dentist in the Bronxe in New York City. They were very rough with me and routine. They strapped me into a chair so I couldn't move before they even told me very much about anything. It was frightening. It was scary that this dentist office would treat people so unconsiderately as if I was an automobile in a repair shop.

I was very frightened when I realized that I was strapped and could not move. Then with zero consultation they put a mask over my face and I felt myself fading out of consciousness. You may find this amusing but at the time it was terrifying.

I uttered in my fear a verse from the Bible as I slipped away from consciosness -

" Into Your hands I commit My spirit"

I knew enough that that was the precious verse from the word of God that I needed as I was manhandled by these rough medical staff inconsiderately. Maybe they thought "Oh he's just a city kid, a dime a dozen. Get the darn tooth pulled out and get the money. that's all"

As I passed out into the unknown I read from memory and PRAYED Luke 23:46 which was uttered by Jesus just before He died. And He Himself was reciting to His Father the quotation of Psalm 231:5.

I prayread like Jesus prayread. What I went through was nothing compared to what the Son of God went through. But I went through something that was distressful for me. And for comfort I whispered, and it even may have been in my mind, as I drifted off into a hostile unconsciousness -

" ... Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit." (Luke 23:46

I woke up laughing and preaching the gospel. However, they were so rough that I had been very scared, especially when they strapped me down with no explanation.

No one had to tell me to prayread. I HAD to grasp at the word of God, my only hope and source of solace at that moment.

This is dangerous for you and all who listen to you.

Stop reading me. Stop listening to me. Go away and do not participate in this discussion then. Goodbye.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Jun 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
Nobody smears Christ. People smear themselves by claiming to believe in Christ and then acting inappropriately. Christ said let the wheat and the tares grow together and in the end he will separate them. Your mistake is to make a judgment as to who is and who is not Christian. Let Christ decide

Again I disagree with your second paragraph. There are ev ...[text shortened]... inful Christians are an insult to Christ means that you do not understand the Bible ... clearly.
You do smear Christ every time you pronounce those that claim to follow Him are doing
the evil things! You go on an on about evil deeds without making a distinction that they
are not true followers of Christ unless pressed by someone who is offended by your tone.

Believe it or not the world looks at Christians the way you are claiming and they make
no distinction between what is true or false. They see them all as you describe the
fake followers. So when you spout off about how ugly Christians are, you are in the
rest of the world's eyes talking about all of Jesus' followers and thereby since Jesus
said what we do to the least of these (His) we do to Him.

So without a doubt you are making Christ look bad by suggesting that Christians are as
evil as you have been going on an on about.

NOT debating who will be revealed as true followers of Christ, let Jesus sort that out.
I do believe we can agree those that do evil are not following Christ so they should not
be lumped in with those whose lives Jesus has turned around.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Jun 16

The Old Testament is very good to reinforce the benefits of praying with the words of the Bible to God.

Nothing mechanical or by rote is implied here. Every encouragement to PRAY with the Bible's words and mix praying and reading, is with an understood principle that it is to God you re praying.

This is not an exercise in psychic power i am speaking about.
It is not an encouragement to let your mind be blank.

Done properly it is not more "dangerous" than reading the Bible with a willing heart to be spoken to by the Holy Spirit. And it is no more "dangerous" than to confess, praise, give thanks, make petition, and exalt the Lord Jesus with the mouth and a heart turned toward the living God.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Jun 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
KJ ? What say you?
I've given my word to a few posters here that if they continued saying something we would
no longer have conversations. They continued and I'm keeping my word, I've had to say
sorry a few times for gong back on that accidently when I thought I was posting to
someone else. There isn't any unforgiveness towards them I pray for them and hold no
hard feelings, but I will keep my word.



04 Apr 04
22 Jun 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
You do smear Christ every time you pronounce those that claim to follow Him are doing
the evil things! You go on an on about evil deeds without making a distinction that they
are not true followers of Christ unless pressed by someone who is offended by your tone.

Believe it or not the world looks at Christians the way you are claiming and they make
no ...[text shortened]... ollowing Christ so they should not
be lumped in with those whose lives Jesus has turned around.
You did not read what I wrote, and no I do not agree with you.
Lets move on.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
22 Jun 16
2 edits

The word meditation is in the Bible.
Try thinking about what you read in the Bible
and let God;s Holy Spirit work on you.

We are told in the Bible that God's lover did DELIGHT in God's word - Psalm 119:16,24,35,47,70,77, 92,174.

is PRAYING allowed in delighting in God's commandments; in god's ordinances; in God's words ? Of course it is.

We are told that God's word can be tasted -

"How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth." (Psalm 119:103)

Is there any problem with reading the word of God interspersed with praying and tasting the sweetness of the spiritual essence of God's word - of God's presence ? It is quite commendable. Its a good thing.

So we delight in God's word - praying assists in that.
And we taste the sweetness of God's word - praying assists in that too.

Then the Psalmist also REJOICED in God's words -

"I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies" (Psalm 119:14)

Any danger, any problem to praying while reading God's word in order to exacerbate REJOICING unto God ? No problem there. Maybe for the Jehovah's Witnesses there's some kind of problem.

So to derive maximum nourishment from reading the Bible we can mix our praying with our reading. This will render the word of God sweet to us. Even while being reproved and corrected, it will be sweet.

Our spirit knows what is good for us. David in Psalm 119 did not just treat the words of God as only commandments to do. He enjoyed the sweetness of God's commandments to his spiritual being. He TASTED the sweet word of God. He realized God's word was not just a list of commandments.

In his reading, he loved, he delighted, he tasted, and he rejoiced. Any problem that we follow his example by prayreading the word of God ?