Jehovahs happy people.

Jehovahs happy people.


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26 Aug 07
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by divegeester
You owe your workers their wages dude.
we dont owe anything to anyone, its a pure joy to give freely of ones services to the
most High God, did the Israelites demand wages when they built the temple, or did
they offer their services freely, with a willing heart,

(2 Corinthians 9:7) . . .Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not
grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

No issues and no fences facing us.


26 Aug 07
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by divegeester
You owe your workers their wages dude.
this is how we build Kingdom Halls,

16 Feb 08
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
we dont owe anything to anyone, its a pure joy to give freely of ones services to the
most High God, did the Israelites demand wages when they built the temple, or did
they offer their services freely, with a willing heart,

(2 Corinthians 9:7) . . .Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not
grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

No issues and no fences facing us.
Excuse your conscience any way you can.

Your organisation is very very wealthy and is exploiting those poor people.


11 Nov 05
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
this is your issue not ours, we have no issues and start your own blood transfusion
thread with those who want to debate it, this is for demonstrating and sharing why we
are a happy people.
I just state a reflection. Nothing more.
Anyone who wants to comment about this reflection is welcome to do that. If you don't want to, no worries, I don't mind.
If you act like you are embarrassed about it, then we can all make an conclusion about it. And make a comment about it. Or not.
You want to bring this further? Then it's okay by me. Please do it. It's not my thread.


26 Aug 07
22 Jan 12
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Excuse your conscience any way you can.

Your organisation is very very wealthy and is exploiting those poor people.
another distorted and biased opinion, if we want to willingly give our time and
volunteer to build Kingdom Halls, what of it, we love it, its awesome to work together
like this, the spirit is great. we are given free food and lodgings by the local brothers
and sisters, we work together, food and refreshment are provided on sight, we give our
skills, the Kingdom Hall gets built and the local brothers and sisters have a brand
spanking new Kingdom Hall usually over the course of a weekend if its a standard
build. Its really an awesome experience dude, about as far removed from a building
site as one gets and ive been on a few in my time.


26 Aug 07
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by FabianFnas
I just state a reflection. Nothing more.
Anyone who wants to comment about this reflection is welcome to do that. If you don't want to, no worries, I don't mind.
If you act like you are embarrassed about it, then we can all make an conclusion about it. And make a comment about it. Or not.
You want to bring this further? Then it's okay by me. Please do it. It's not my thread.
I am not embarrassed by it, in fact, its nothing to do with me, is it. No issues and no
fences facing.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by divegeester
You owe your workers their wages dude.
You're not getting it are you? We do this "Out of Love" for our God, our Brothers and for ones who want to become our brothers.
If we paid ones to build the Kingdom Halls then we owe them money which means we have to pay them and in turn all the Brothers have to pay up which many can't afford and then we would have to demand money from them and pass around that stupid collection plate that all the other churches do. And then we'd have to send out warning letters to those who don't put what they can't afford in those plates, like the other churches do.
"We recieved free" so we ask for nothing in return.

Gues what? It works perfectly!!!!!!!!!!


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
a beautiful post, thankyou Gman!
Thanks Bro...


26 Aug 07
22 Jan 12
1 edit

Originally posted by galveston75
You're not getting it are you? We do this "Out of Love" for our God, our Brothers and for ones who want to become our brothers.
If we paid ones to build the Kingdom Halls then we owe them money which means we have to pay them and in turn all the Brothers have to pay up which many can't afford and then we would have to demand money from them and pass ar eved free" so we ask for nothing in return.

Gues what? It works perfectly!!!!!!!!!!
Guess what? It works perfectly!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it does! Many have benefited from the experience, i learned to mix cement at first
for the brick layers, then to put render on the walls then plastering and dry wall lining.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
another distorted and biased opinion, if we want to willingly give our time and
volunteer to build Kingdom Halls, what of it, we love it, its awesome to work together
like this, the spirit is great. we are given free food and lodgings by the local brothers
and sisters, we work together, food and refreshment are provided on sight, we give our
...[text shortened]... dude, about as far removed from a building
site as one gets and ive been on a few in my time.
There have been hundreds of newspaper articles about our building of the Kingdom Halls all over the world. Not only are the public amazed at this and that we do it for free but many local builders come to watch and see how we do this to try and improve their efficiency doing this and how they can improve their workers to perform better.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Guess what? It works perfectly!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it does! Many have benefited from the experience, i learned to mix cement at first
for the brick layers, then to put render on the walls then plastering and dry wall lining.
I know if one blinks or stops to rest you may be stuck inside a wall permenently...Lol. You better keep moving or else!!!!


11 Nov 05
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I am not embarrassed by it, in fact, its nothing to do with me, is it. No issues and no
fences facing.
Then why are you reacting so strongly? I cannot understand why this bother you so much?
I wrote a reflection, I stick with it, you don't correct me, but seem to be upset of it...


26 Aug 07
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Then why are you reacting so strongly? I cannot understand why this bother you so much?
I wrote a reflection, I stick with it, you don't correct me, but seem to be upset of it...
its not about me Fabian.


26 Aug 07
22 Jan 12
2 edits

Originally posted by galveston75
I know if one blinks or stops to rest you may be stuck inside a wall permenently...Lol. You better keep moving or else!!!!
bricklayers can be fussy, some like a 'stiff', mix, others are not so bothered, but it
depends on the type of bricks, Its the brick chains that i liked, passing bricks along a
big line to feed the bricklayers 🙂


11 Nov 05
22 Jan 12

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
its not about me Fabian.
No, of course it isn't, and that I've been telling you from the start.
JWers chose death before life. Principles before blood transfusions.
It's about JW as a whole, not individual members.