I can't stand Christians AND Muslims.

I can't stand Christians AND Muslims.


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
25 Apr 06

Both groups base their so-called religions on out and out lies and they are so full of crap they could float on liquid hydrogen. The intense love they generate is sooo overwhelming.

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
Both groups base their so-called religions on out and out lies and they are so full of crap they could float on liquid hydrogen. The intense love they generate is sooo overwhelming.
You may not have realised but there are a lot of Christians here.

I just thought I should you warn you before you meet one.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
25 Apr 06
1 edit

Originally posted by Conrau K
You may not have realised but there are a lot of Christians here.

I just thought I should you warn you before you meet one.
No shite sherlock. I would love to be the one in power, I could smash the brains of one christian against one muslim till they were all gone and I think it would be a wash because their filthy lies pretty much equal out, just as many of one as the other. The planet would finally have some peace for a while. At least the fighting would be over who is the biggest SOB in the valley not whether my god is better than your god. Makes me want to puke.
Valui ad satanam in computatrum meum ivocandum.

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
No shite sherlock. I would love to be the one in power, I could smash the brains of one christian against one muslim till they were all gone and I think it would be a wash because their filthy lies pretty much equal out, just as many of one as the other. The planet would finally have some peace for a while. At least the fighting would be over who is the big ...[text shortened]... is better than your god. Makes me want to puke.
Valui ad satanam in computatrum meum ivocandum.
So let me get this straight. You want to get some peace by smashing muslim and christian heads together?

Actually your first post shared alot of my sentiments and frustration with christians and muslims alike- but now I'm scared.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
No shite sherlock. I would love to be the one in power, I could smash the brains of one christian against one muslim till they were all gone and I think it would be a wash because their filthy lies pretty much equal out, just as many of one as the other. The planet would finally have some peace for a while. At least the fighting would be over who is the big ...[text shortened]... is better than your god. Makes me want to puke.
Valui ad satanam in computatrum meum ivocandum.
What a kind thoughtful person you are.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by Conrau K
So let me get this straight. You want to get some peace by smashing muslim and christian heads together?

Actually your first post shared alot of my sentiments and frustration with christians and muslims alike- but now I'm scared.
So what else is going to force these two diametrically opposed people to live together in peace? Hey I am for religious freedom as much as the next guy till it impinges on my nose, as the saying goes. I was under the apparently mistaken conception that striving for spirituality was synonomous with being peaceful, but what do I know....



21 Jan 04
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
No shite sherlock. I would love to be the one in power, I could smash the brains of one christian against one muslim till they were all gone and I think it would be a wash because their filthy lies pretty much equal out, just as many of one as the other. The planet would finally have some peace for a while. At least the fighting would be over who is the big ...[text shortened]... is better than your god. Makes me want to puke.
Valui ad satanam in computatrum meum ivocandum.
I agree entirely with your sentiment, if not with your methods.

The planet certainly would be more peaceful...and we could all enjoy some funny cartoons in safety.

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
So what else is going to force these two diametrically opposed people to live together in peace? .
Education. Sounds tacky but it worked with creationism....

OK I get your point. Shame we dont have tolerance on guns in Australia.

Digital Blasphemy


16 Feb 03
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
Both groups base their so-called religions on out and out lies and they are so full of crap they could float on liquid hydrogen. The intense love they generate is sooo overwhelming.
Congrats on your recognition of the reality of the matter.

The key word in your very own statement is "groups".

The individual has worth. A small assembly of individuals has worth. A vast sea of individuals has worth.

A group does not. Not in my book atleast. Not in this context.

Best Regards,




02 Mar 04
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by Omnislash
Congrats on your recognition of the reality of the matter.

The key word in your very own statement is "groups".

The individual has worth. A small assembly of individuals has worth. A vast sea of individuals has worth.

A group does not. Not in my book atleast. Not in this context.

Best Regards,

Is this a discussion or a vote?

Zellulärer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
I could smash the brains of one christian against one muslim till they were all gone and I think it would be a wash because their filthy lies pretty much equal out, just as many of one as the other.
Man, you sound like an insanely angry Swamp Thing. This is what happens when nature gets out of balance.

Standard memberRemoved

15 Sep 04
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
This is what happens when nature gets out of balance.
Yes, survival of the fittest.

Paralysed analyst

On a ship of fools

26 May 04
25 Apr 06
2 edits

Originally posted by sonhouse
No shite sherlock. I would love to be the one in power, I could smash the brains of one christian against one muslim till they were all gone and I think it would be a wash because their filthy lies pretty much equal out, just as many of one as the other. The planet would finally have some peace for a while. At least the fighting would be over who is the big ...[text shortened]... is better than your god. Makes me want to puke.
Valui ad satanam in computatrum meum ivocandum.
Ever watch the X-Files? Mulder once wished for world peace and he got it by everybody else on the planet disappearing.

You start smashing heads, you're not going to stop at all Christians and all Muslims. There aren't a lot of either in Nepal and look what's happening there. Why should you let those angry Buddhists live when they do nothing but cause trouble?


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
25 Apr 06

Originally posted by sonhouse
No shite sherlock. I would love to be the one in power, I could smash the brains of one christian against one muslim till they were all gone and I think it would be a wash because their filthy lies pretty much equal out, just as many of one as the other. The planet would finally have some peace for a while. At least the fighting would be over who is the big ...[text shortened]... is better than your god. Makes me want to puke.
Valui ad satanam in computatrum meum ivocandum.
Poor man's Stalin.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
25 Apr 06
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
No shite sherlock. I would love to be the one in power, I could smash the brains of one christian against one muslim till they were all gone and I think it would be a wash because their filthy lies pretty much equal out, just as many of one as the other. The planet would finally have some peace for a while. At least the fighting would be over who is the big ...[text shortened]... is better than your god. Makes me want to puke.
Valui ad satanam in computatrum meum ivocandum.
Just so I know, what is the difference between you and the other
hate mongrels? All they want to do is wipe out those that do not
agree with their moral convictions so that peace may come, as I
look at your post the only thing different about you is that you
want to smash in brains and wash out mouths of those that don't
agree with you in the name of, well, just because. Those other hate
mongrels that are killing others are doing it in the name of
someone else, but the bottom line is you both hate other men
and would do harm to them if you could. You I guess have
become what you profess to hate.