Hinduism, backdrop to the caste system

Hinduism, backdrop to the caste system


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11 Nov 05
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no its not, here is an experiment for you to try, speak against the watchtower in your place of employment, then speak against the practice of homosexuality, come back and tell me how long you lasted with either. do the watchtower first, it will be safer.
Which is worst, in your eyes: Paedofiles or homosexuals?
Are there homosexuals in JW?


26 Aug 07
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Homosexuals aren't free do whatever they want, they are merely on an equal footing as hetrosexuals, and rightly so.

Your problem is that you still see homosexuality as a choice, and choose to follow the writings of some unknown Bronze Age desert tribesman. Homosexuals are sinners in your eyes and choose to be sinners at that (heck, you still believe ...[text shortened]... enes i will laugh my ass off. Why did God create gays, only to then condemn them to death?
you are failing to see the distinction, if you say anything against me, my religion, if you put a sign on your door saying no Jehovahs Witnesses, that is fine, you are free and it is your prerogative, can i do the same in my guest house? can i what, i shall be reported to the police and may face prosecution, its a double standard and its hypocrisy.

there is no gay gene as you are very well aware and none will ever be found, it therefore remains a matter of morality.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
07 Jul 10
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
you are failing to see the distinction, if you say anything against me, my religion, if you put a sign on your door saying no Jehovahs Witnesses, that is fine, you are free and it is your prerogative, can i do the same in my guest house? can i what, i shall be reported to the police and may face prosecution, its a double standard and its hypocrisy.
...[text shortened]... you are very well aware and none will ever be found, it therefore remains a matter of morality.
I see the distinction.

But like i said the rest of civilised humanity doesn't see homosexuality as a choice and a sin like you do. Discriminating on the basis of sexuality is just the same as discriminating on the basis of race in my eyes. You don't see it that way i know, on the basis of what some Bronze Age desert goat herder wrote down.

Your organisations magazines are still propoganda though, and the gay gene will be found.


26 Aug 07
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by FabianFnas
Which is worst, in your eyes: Paedofiles or homosexuals?
Are there homosexuals in JW?
firstly we hold public meetings, anyone, whether they are a Jehovahs witness or not may attend.

You cannot hold a position of responsibility within the congregation if you are a homosexual. if you previously held a position of responsibility and were found to be a practising homosexual, you shall be removed from that position, in order to maintain the moral purity from our standpoint, towards the god we worship. This would be the same if you were found to be a thief, a drunkard, a paedophile, a user of drugs, a fornicator, or anything which is deemed to bring reproach upon the Bibles standards.

both the practice of paedophilia and of homosexuality are in equal terms condemned in the bible. please consider this passage carefully.

(1 Corinthians 6:9-11) . . .What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom.  And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean, but you have been sanctified, but you have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.

thus from the passage it is clear that some individual successfully rehabilitate themselves from practises displeasing to God and are then acceptable to him and may indeed, in this morally cleansed state, become a part of the congregation, even as they did in the first century when this was written.


26 Aug 07
07 Jul 10
1 edit

Originally posted by Proper Knob
I see the distinction.

But like i said the rest of civilised humanity doesn't see homosexuality as a choice and a sin like you do. Discriminating on the basis of sexuality is just the same as discriminating on the basis of race in my eyes. You don't see it that way i know, on the basis of what some Bronze Age desert goat herder wrote down.

Your organisations magazines are still propoganda though, and the gay gene will be found.
in your eyes my friend, yes that is the case, what about in my eyes, can i not also have a different point of view based on science and of scripture? shall i lose my job because of it? shall i face prosecution because of it.

our magazines are designed to impart biblical knowledge, if you deem it propaganda, then so be it, but you are free to state so, without prosecution. indeed i would really like to hear a materialistic version of paedophilia, for if we are the product of blind chance, the amalgamation of electrochemical processes, how can a paedophile be held responsible for horrendous actions which may or may not be under his control, indeed, where is the criminality in it? how are we to explain the link between homosexuality and paedophilia within the catholic church, for in 99% of those cases, the persons who perpetrated those horrendous acts were homosexuals and or/ paedophiles. was it their homosexuality which compelled them, or their paedophilia which compelled them towards homosexuality?


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
firstly we hold public meetings, anyone, whether they are a Jehovahs witness or not may attend.

You cannot hold a position of responsibility within the congregation if you are a homosexual. if you previously held a position of responsibility and were found to be a practising homosexual, you shall be removed from that position, in order to maint ...[text shortened]... become a part of the congregation, even as they did in the first century when this was written.
thief, a drunkard, a paedophile, a user of drugs, a fornicator, or anything which is deemed to bring reproach upon the Bibles standards.

What about the fatties?


11 Nov 05
07 Jul 10
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
firstly we hold public meetings, anyone, whether they are a Jehovahs witness or not may attend.

You cannot hold a position of responsibility within the congregation if you are a homosexual. if you previously held a position of responsibility and were found to be a practising homosexual, you shall be removed from that position, in order to maint ...[text shortened]... drugs, a fornicator, or anything which is deemed to bring reproach upon the Bibles standards.
So you equate homosexuals with paedophils?
Do you hand over them to the authorities or do you kill them on the spot?

You refer to the words of StPaul. Leave him out of your arguments. He had a his own boy slave.

Have you read Leviticus 20:13 ? What do you think about this?


26 Aug 07
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by FabianFnas
So you equate homosexuals with paedophils?
Do you hand over them to the authorities or do you kill them on the spot?

You refer to the words of StPaul. Leave him out of your arguments. He had a his own boy slave.

Have you read Leviticus 20:13 ? What do you think about this?
firstly, perhaps you missed it, God knows it was made plain enough, the Bible equates homosexuality with paedophilia, i merely used it to state what the official position of Jehovahs Witnesses is, i will not be drawn into a personal argument, if you dont like that, i suggest you pick a fight with someone else.

the law is now obsolete in practice, in that there are no longer sacrifices etc, although the principles remain, before i go any further, do you understand this?


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
07 Jul 10
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
in your eyes my friend, yes that is the case, what about in my eyes, can i not also have a different point of view based on science and of scripture? shall i lose my job because of it? shall i face prosecution because of it.

our magazines are designed to impart biblical knowledge, if you deem it propaganda, then so be it, but you are free to state so, without prosecution.
Fortunately we live in a secular society, and our rules of law aren't governed by scripture. The science behind the causes of homosexuality actually points to a biological root. Feel free to educate yourself.


You have a love of science? I'm keen to hear about your new found appreciation of evolutionary theory!!! Or do you mean any science that doesn't contradict your faith??

You are free to say anything you like about homosexuality, as long as you don't discriminate and use homphobic language.


26 Aug 07
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]thief, a drunkard, a paedophile, a user of drugs, a fornicator, or anything which is deemed to bring reproach upon the Bibles standards.

What about the fatties?[/b]
gluttony takes many forms and yes, if a person is found to be a glutton, they shall also be removed. haven't we talked at great length about this, both you, I and the thinkofone. i remember you getting a whupping if my memory stands correct.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
firstly, perhaps you missed it, God knows it was made plain enough, the Bible equates homosexuality with paedophilia, i merely used it to state what the official position of Jehovahs Witnesses is, i will not be drawn into a personal argument, if you dont like that, i suggest you pick a fight with someone else.

the law is now obsolete in practice, ...[text shortened]... sacrifices etc, although the principles remain, before i go any further, do you understand this?
Are you telling me the official JW position is that all homosexuals are paedophiles?


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
gluttony takes many forms and yes, if a person is found to be a glutton, they shall also be removed. haven't we talked at great length about this, both you, I and the thinkofone. i remember you getting a whupping if my memory stands correct.
i remember you getting a whupping if my memory stands correct

You may want a 'wupping' off me Rob, sorry to disappoint you but i have a girlfriend.

So all the overweight people who don't have a medical condition have been removed from your congregation?


26 Aug 07
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Fortunately we live in a secualr society, and our rules of law aren't governed by scripture. The science behind the causes of homosexuality actually points to a biological root. Feel free to educate yourself.


You have a love of science? I'm keen to hear about your new found appreciation of ...[text shortened]... you like about homosexuality, as long as you don't discriminate and use homphobic language.
no i am not free, that is the point and i am aware also of the many arguments.

Yes i love science, in fact i have a youtube video that i made of a simple BLDC motor (its just a standard grade type experiment which utilises a reed switch as a kind of primitive commutator), i plan to make a simple generator, so i can harness free energy (again just a silly little experiment with no relevance to anyone but myself)

an examination of the physical world reveals a lot about the creator and yes i do not hold Darwinian evolution to be scientific, as you are very well aware.


26 Aug 07
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]i remember you getting a whupping if my memory stands correct

You may want a 'wupping' off me Rob, sorry to disappoint you but i have a girlfriend.

So all the overweight people who don't have a medical condition have been removed from your congregation?[/b]
LOL, dont flatter yourself mate, i have a beautiful brown Pakistani wife who treats me like a divine one!

gluttons have been removed, over excess to alcohol is a form of gluttony, as for overweight, i cant say, i am not in a position of responsibility and have no way of knowing.


26 Aug 07
07 Jul 10

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Are you telling me the official JW position is that all homosexuals are paedophiles?
no , i am asking you, as a materialist, how you distinguish between the two, for clearly in the case of the catholic church, either a persons paedophilia led to homosexual acts, or their homosexuality led to paedophilia, how do you distinguish between the two, i am asking you.