
Calling " Lord, Lord ! "


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03 Jan 13
30 May 16
2 edits

It is very profitable to call on the name of the Lord Jesus.
It is extremely beneficial to call on the name of the Lord Jesus.

This thread will be an encouragement for readers to learn to call out to the Lord Jesus.

But I must warn you. Immediately someone (probably Rajk999) will chime in that many who say "Lord, Lord," the Lord Jesus will tell to depart from Him. This thread is not a discussion about that legitimate observation of Matthew 7:22,23.

This thread, for my part, is about the positive aspects of calling on the name of the Lord.

So now let Rak999 get it out of his system to warn that just calling "Lord, Lord" will be of no use. After he gets this usual agenda off his chest, we can go on to examine the many many positive benefits of calling on the name of Jesus in order to contact Jesus.



04 Apr 04
30 May 16

Originally posted by sonship
It is very profitable to call on the name of the Lord Jesus.
It is extremely beneficial to call on the name of the Lord Jesus.

This thread will be an encouragement for readers to learn to call out to the Lord Jesus.

But I must warn you. Immediately someone (probably Rajk999) will chime in that many who say "Lord, Lord" Jesus will tell to depart fro ...[text shortened]... amine the many many positive benefits of calling on the name of Jesus in order to contact Jesus.
I think by now most readers are aware that you are a false teacher and that you are best ignored.

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03 Jan 13
30 May 16
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Oh, after Rajk999 probably warns that Matt. 7:22,23 shows Jesus punishing some who called "Lord, Lord" and didn't do the things His commanded, another popular line of thought may come from the agnostic/atheist posters.

"What's the difference between calling Lord Jesus and calling ... say Hare Krishna? "

For my part I will neither be saying much about this. My focus will be simple - the wonderful benefits of touching the Spirit of Christ by calling on the name of Jesus.

I don't say those discussions are not legitimate discussions. For my particular focus, i intend to stick with Calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus for its great profit.

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03 Jan 13
30 May 16

Originally posted by Rajk999
I think by now most readers are aware that you are a false teacher and that you are best ignored.
Please ignore me and go away Rajk999.

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03 Jan 13
30 May 16
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When did men first begin to call out to God ? It was in the fourth generation of mankind. With the early person Enosh in Genesis 4. Men began to call on the name of God.

You see, after the fall of Adam and Eve they found human society drifting farther and farther away from God's presence. When this distance began to be felt acutely men began to call on the name of God.

Genesis 4:26 -

" And to Seth also a son was born, and he called his name Enosh.

At that time men began to call upon the name of Jehovah."

Enosh means something like "Frail mortal man". When people found themselves drifting farther and farther away from God they also realized how mortal and frail they really were. The wise among them began to CALL OUT. They began to CALL on the name of Jehovah.

So you see calling on God is a practice going back to the fourth generation of human beings.

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03 Jan 13
30 May 16
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Honest people will sense their mortality and their frailty.
Man is dependent upon God. In fact every form of life is dependent.
We should not count dependence upon God as some evil scheme for our Heavenly Father to take advantage of us.

With the birth of Enosh - "frail mortal man" men begin to wake up.

"We are drifting away ... away from God. Why do we feel God is not near ? Why should it be that there is this distance between our Creator and ourselves? Let us CALL upon the name of God. "

"Oh Jehovah. Oh Jehovah God! Oh God we call on You."

The distance was caused by theirs sins.
Do you realize that the insulation in your being making God not real in your experience is just your sins ? Our sins make the separation. We need to call for reconciliation with God.

Men began to long to be reconciled to God. The need was there because the realitywas there. No, the need was not there because God does not exist.

The need to want fellowship with God was there because God exists and not because God does not exist. So men began to realize their need and called on the name of God.

Some drew near again BACK towards God. And God drew near to them.
Some did.

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03 Jan 13
30 May 16
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Sometimes you are so troubled you don't know what to pray.
Sometimes you are so weighed down you don't have the words to utter.

When you feel this way - Call "O Lord Jesus ! O Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus YOU KNOW!. Lord Jesus. Lord I just need You ... You Yourself Lord."

Eloquent words will sometime escape you. You just do not know HOW to phrase what your problem is with the right words. Doesn't matter. God KNOWS your heart. Why not just CALL - "O Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus. O Lord, You are RICH to all who call upon You. O Lord Jesus."

Calling on the name of the Lord Jesus can definitely bring you into contact with God.
I am not now talking about situations where calling seems ineffectual. That may come latter.

The Psalmist says - "I love the Lord because He has heard my voice." (Psalm 116).

It is fantastic to learn the simplicity of this. God Hears My VOICE.
He hears even my whisper. You do not have to make a commotion.

But you know, it is good also to go out to a field or some private place where no one disturbs you, and CALL OUT to the Lord Jesus. If you call and call eventually you may find the words to express to God much much more which is in your heart.



04 Apr 04
30 May 16
2 edits

Originally posted by sonship
Sometimes you are so troubled you don't know what to pray...t.
Christians would do well to ignore you and your Watchman Lee propaganda and to follow the teachings of the Bible. I will just give two passages, but there are hundreds relevant to this thread:

1. And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (Exodus 20:6-7 KJV)

2. And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. (Luke 6:46-48 KJV)

The lessons here are clear :

From the mouth of God:
1. Dont take my name in vain.
2. You show that you love God by keeping His commandments

From the mouth of His Son Jesus:
1. Dont waste your time calling me Lord Lord if you dont DO the things I say.
2. If you follow my commandments you are a wise man. If you do not you are a fool.

Christians serious about their eternal life should take note.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
30 May 16

So when Enosh was born it was a time of men calling on the name of the Lord.

We see in early []Genesis[/b] the man Enoch walking with God. That means he lived his life step by step in fellowship with God. The entire human race was not groping in sin and darkness yet. Men called on God and Enoch walked with God.

I believe that Enoch used what they had learned about calling on God in order to help him walk with God. His obeying came out of His calling out to commune with God.

I can see Enoch learning from the previous generation of Enosh. He walked with God calling to have fellowship with God. In all matters of his daily life he sought God's presence. He probably just lived in the atmosphere of the God upon whom he called.

Though we are not told explicitly that Enoch called on God, we are told the Abraham called on the name of the Lord. Abraham is called the father of faith in the New Testament.

Abram [Abraham] CALLED on the name of God (Gen. 12:8; 13:4; 21:33).

Rajk999 wasn't there to scold him and warn him not to do that !!

Abraham's son Isaac must have learned from his father. Isaac also called on the name of the Lord ( 26:25) .

These men didn't stop calling on the Lord. Both had failures. They did not let their failures keep them from calling on the name of the Lord. They apparently did not say "Oh I should not call out to God. I was not obedient in this or that thing. Therefore I should not practice to call out to God."

They failed but they kept calling.
They prevailed and were victorious at times. And they called on the name of Jehovah.
They called because they wanted to have fellowship with God.
They did not get introspective to examine if they were worthy to call or not call.
They called because God was real to them and they called to contact God.

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03 Jan 13
30 May 16

Taken from a book Calling on the Lord

For millennia men have cried out from the depths of their being to God—whether He was known or unknown to them—in times of trial or delight, in despair or in rejoicing in an attempt to draw near to, communicate with or have a relationship with this omnipotent One. In many cases, they are crying out merely for assistance or to be rescued from trial or disaster. Whatever the motive, this calling out to God is universal; it can be observed around the globe in every culture. Such a resonating cry is universal because it issues from the deepest part within man, his spirit. This practice of calling on the Lord began with the earliest generations of mankind recorded in the Bible.

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03 Jan 13
30 May 16
1 edit

A simple helpful YouTube on (only 5 minutes 17 minutes)

Calling on the Name of the Lord



04 Apr 04
30 May 16

Originally posted by sonship
A simple helpful YouTube on [b](only 5 minutes 17 minutes)

Calling on the Name of the Lord[/b]
And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46 KJV)

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03 Jan 13
30 May 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46 KJV)
This thread is about calling and doing the things which He says.

Do you suggest Christians should not pursue such a life ?
Do you suggest they should give up calling and not even bother based upon Luke 6:46 ?


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03 Jan 13
30 May 16
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Readers, there are passages that warn about vain workship.

Because of any of these do you think we should not call upon the name of the Lord ?
If not, then let us proceed with a positive attitude about the practice of calling to touch the Lord.

Rajk999 can devote his whole teaching to NOT calling because of verses like Luke 6:46. Let him start a thread dedicated to the negative passages on calling.

This thread is more positive assuming good things from those who call upon the Lord Jesus.



04 Apr 04
30 May 16
2 edits

Originally posted by sonship
This thread is about calling and doing the things which He says.

Do you suggest Christians should not pursue such a life ?
Do you suggest they should give up calling and not even bother based upon [b]Luke 6:46
You have repeatedly said and repeatedly implied that is is NOT IMPORTANT to do the things the Jesus commanded. I dont need to prove you said those things and it comes disguised by you calling the teachings and commandments of Christ as:
- legalism
- Placing burdens on people
- Pharisee doctrine
- works doctrine
- doctrine of condemnation
- Words of Christ AFTER resurrection
- Dispensationalism

Now because I am pointing out to you the futility of saying Lord Lord, and the sin of taking Gods name in vain, it is only now that you are adding that Christians MUST ALSO DO THE THINGS THAT JESUS COMMANDED.

At least you are learning from the teachings of Jesus.

Good for you.