autism(Christian POV only)

autism(Christian POV only)


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Chess Samurai


26 Apr 04
17 Jan 07

Originally posted by EcstremeVenom
Main Entry: au·tism
Pronunciation: 'o-"ti-z&m
Function: noun
: a variable developmental disorder that appears by age three and is characterized by impairment of the ability to form normal social relationships, by impairment of the ability to communicate with others, and by stereotyped behavior patterns

ok i was a little off (i think i described o ...[text shortened]... when we were in a sense "autistic" and it was when we were young. when we couldnt socialize
EV - I worked with autistic children and adults for 7 years. There is no cure and it does not just go away. It is a lifetime disability.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
17 Jan 07

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Part of the purchase price, unfortunately. When Adam decided he wanted the woman out of the Garden instead of God in the Garden, he chose the system of good and evil over the system of life. I think it's fairly safe to say that he made the wrong decision.
I personally never quite understood that story. Who exactly is to blame for all the suffering? God, Adam, Eve, the Devil or nobody? Was it a natural consequence of the situation Adam was placed in or a random chance that he made the wrong choice?

As with any person ever born, we all have a responsibility for our own choices. That responsibility is tempered by our level of accountability. If the issue of salvation is never perspicuous to us, we are not held accountable. Depending upon the level of retardation, a developmentally-challenged person may never make it to a level of accountability. Such a person is automatically saved.
What about those of us who are not particularly developmentally-challenged but the issue of salvation is still never perspicuous to us?

Like all saved people, upon death they are face-to-face with God. Until the second advent, they are in interim bodies. At the second advent, all of those who are saved will receive resurrection bodies--- free of defect, abnormalities and etc.
And who gets to decide what is a defect or abnormality? Is a 'cured' autistic person still the same person?