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What is Bitcoin?


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18 Apr 10
07 Nov 21

@sonhouse said
Don't think you have been keeping up. China now has a QC exceeding the capabilities of supercomps and that is with only a few dozen qubits. To make them real, thousands or even millions of qubits so that will take time but they are already more advanced than you seem to know about.
I haven't read about quantum computers for a while.


07 Dec 05
09 Nov 21

@sonhouse said
Don't think you have been keeping up. China now has a QC exceeding the capabilities of supercomps and that is with only a few dozen qubits. To make them real, thousands or even millions of qubits so that will take time but they are already more advanced than you seem to know about.
What is your source of information?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
10 Nov 21

Look it up yourself. I don't lie like you.


07 Dec 05
11 Nov 21

@sonhouse said
Look it up yourself. I don't lie like you.
You are lying. Can you buy a quantum computer?
You have to own a an existent quantum computer to use one.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
11 Nov 21
1 edit

Are you really all here? What in the HELL was that all about? You think I am a master of QC or some such? I just mentioned stuff going on in QC world.
Don't they let you use Google in Moscow?


07 Dec 05
12 Nov 21

@sonhouse said
Are you really all here? What in the HELL was that all about? You think I am a master of QC or some such? I just mentioned stuff going on in QC world.
Don't they let you use Google in Moscow?
There is no QC that does what you say. It doesn't exist and will not exist for years.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
13 Nov 21
1 edit

Hey assswipe, I am not the only one seeing the death of Cryptocurrency due to the coming power of QC.

I can only assume you have ZERO interest in actually LEARNING a subject, and ONLY in PUKING out your worthless ultrarightwingnutjob sites you THINK is winning your argument but that is the furthest thing from the truth.

You are a legend only in your own mind.


07 Dec 05
14 Nov 21

@sonhouse said
Hey assswipe, I am not the only one seeing the death of Cryptocurrency due to the coming power of QC.

I can only assume you have ZERO interest in actually LEARNING a subject, and ONLY in PUKING out your worthless ultrarightwingnutjob sites you THINK is winning your argument but that is the furthest thing from the truth.

You are a legend only in your own mind.
Okay, Nostradumbass.
Give me tomorrow's lottery numbers while you are at it.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
14 Nov 21

Predicting random events is not on the QC wheelhouse.
You are so ignorant you don't even know what makes QC special.


07 Dec 05
14 Nov 21

@sonhouse said
Predicting random events is not on the QC wheelhouse.
You are so ignorant you don't even know what makes QC special.
You don't know the limitations of QC. You think the future will have a QC that we do not have now. We do not have anything close to what would be needed to undermine Bitcoin. You are doing another guessing game like you do with other unproven technology like nuclear fusion, Thorium reactors and other stuff that is not practical yet.

It is okay to dream about the future. Just don't let it carry you away to sci-fi stuff too much unless you are writing a sci-fi book. Fiction is cool. Recognize it for what it is though. Don't confuse it with reality.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
14 Nov 21

I read about the limits of QC, what is going to happen is when QC gets real, like where they can coordinate thousands or even millions of Qbits, it still will have trouble adding 2 and 2. So what I see happening is the melding of the best QC with the then best classical supercomputer.
I thought of this idea independently but now I see actual papers on the subject.

It is kind of like when I was at Goddard Space Flight Center just before my Apollo experience, I worked with an engineer, Horst Schlingloff.

My job was to help the engineer in using what passed for digital computers ATT being used to control an old analog computer.
In a way QC is like the old analog computer.
Anyway Horst engineered a way for the digital comp to control the analog comp.

Before he got that going, one of my jobs was to wire up the programming wire board which was a pain in the butt because there were near 2000 connections in a board smaller than a pizza and there were specific wiring nodes to hook up, say using chess talk, C3 connects to B7, b6 connects to a2 and so forth, say 30 such wires.
You can imagine how long it would take to solder all those wires on that board.
The thing was that was a single program and the one I did was to test the wobbling of a spinning sat, where around the perifery can you stick masses and still maintain a non wobbly spin.
When Horst did his thing with the digital comp controlling the analog comp, now it was a matter of programming the digital comp which ATT was with a big stack of punched cards but still a hundred times faster than just soldering a bunch of connections on a wire board matrix.

Anyway, that is how I see the evolution of QC, combined with the power of supercomputers, each doing their jobs but working together, a system hundreds of times stronger than either alone.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
14 Nov 21

Sigh, just found the obituary of my old boss Horst, died a couple years ago.


I wish I had known ATT.


07 Dec 05
15 Nov 21

@sonhouse said
I read about the limits of QC, what is going to happen is when QC gets real, like where they can coordinate thousands or even millions of Qbits, it still will have trouble adding 2 and 2. So what I see happening is the melding of the best QC with the then best classical supercomputer.
I thought of this idea independently but now I see actual papers on the subj ...[text shortened]... , each doing their jobs but working together, a system hundreds of times stronger than either alone.
Okay, Nostradumbass.
Give me tomorrow's lottery numbers while you are at it.

Are you going to tell me what nuclear fusion will do as well?
How about those thorium reactors that don't exist yet? No disrespect to Andrew Yang, but we have to prove it is possible first. Same thing with QC.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
15 Nov 21

You REALLY need to keep up. China has just finished its thorium reactor and maybe even testing it out as we speak.
And QC need thousands or even millions of qubits and all we are up to now is a few dozen, enough for proof of concept but the actual power is limited. It can be programmed to exceed classical computer in some specialty formulated math problem but that is about where it stops, real QC awaits the arrival of the time when we can string together THOUSANDS of such qubits or even MILLIONS.
News at 11.


07 Dec 05
15 Nov 21

@sonhouse said
You REALLY need to keep up. China has just finished its thorium reactor and maybe even testing it out as we speak.
And QC need thousands or even millions of qubits and all we are up to now is a few dozen, enough for proof of concept but the actual power is limited. It can be programmed to exceed classical computer in some specialty formulated math problem but ...[text shortened]... ival of the time when we can string together THOUSANDS of such qubits or even MILLIONS.
News at 11.
So not yet.