A Bio Genesis

A Bio Genesis


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Walk your Faith


24 May 04
31 May 19

@sonhouse said
Tell me why those two scientists would willfully ignore interstellar clouds impacting the Solar system?
Who cares!

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
31 May 19

@kellyjay said
Who cares!
Clearly I do. Clearly you don't care about alternative explanations. As far as you are concerned, all the science those dudes talked about were just the preamble to the real thing for you, GODIDIT. So you didn't need to watch 3 hours of video, just the last 10 minutes of each lecture.



27 Oct 08
31 May 19

@kellyjay said
If you want to talk about the lectures we can, I will discuss anything else if you want to start another OP here if appropriate, or instead another forum.
We can't have an honest discussion about the origins of life if you cling to conspiracy theories about the development of life.


20 Oct 06
31 May 19

@kellyjay said
I am not a ID person, I am of the opinion that creation can not be proven through testing. A special event is just that! You can’t prove a miracle by looking at it with science. So I don’t have a dog in that fight.

What I brought here was simply a very small piece of the puzzle that natural processes would have to overcome. The resistance to even looking at it is telling ...[text shortened]... even acknowledge the possibility let alone look at the science that doesn’t validate their opinions.
Again, we're back to the beginning. You've propped up this propaganda video that superficially claims to be about science yet concludes that it might be time to consider design. I think we've agreed that design can't be considered scientific at all, because it's special and miraculous and untestable. It floats impenetrably above the scrutiny of the scientific method.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
31 May 19

@sonhouse said
Clearly I do. Clearly you don't care about alternative explanations. As far as you are concerned, all the science those dudes talked about were just the preamble to the real thing for you, GODIDIT. So you didn't need to watch 3 hours of video, just the last 10 minutes of each lecture.
Clearly, have you attempted to inject that topic into the faraway cage OP? Because like this one, it too wasn’t about that topic either.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
31 May 19

@wildgrass said
Again, we're back to the beginning. You've propped up this propaganda video that superficially claims to be about science yet concludes that it might be time to consider design. I think we've agreed that design can't be considered scientific at all, because it's special and miraculous and untestable. It floats impenetrably above the scrutiny of the scientific method.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
31 May 19

@kazetnagorra said
We can't have an honest discussion about the origins of life if you cling to conspiracy theories about the development of life.
Nothing in these lectures are conspiracy theories, but I am not holding out hope you actually review to see. I think you are more of a prefer to complain type, than see for yourself as almost all here are it seems.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
01 Jun 19
1 edit

@kellyjay said
Nothing in these lectures are conspiracy theories, but I am not holding out hope you actually review to see. I think you are more of a prefer to complain type, than see for yourself as almost all here are it seems.
While you on the other hand, are a conspiracy defender. It IS conspiracy to suggest Earth is 6k years old and that GODIDIT is the ONLY way to explain life on Earth.
Your buddies are scientists, sure. That does not mean they have no agenda, like showing how difficult it has to be for life to form THEREFORE GODIDIT.
That is the bottom line of their 'lectures' no matter how you want to slant it.
They proved that by not even bringing up the idea of interstellar clouds seeding the solar system with prebiotics which they knew full well was a possibility but that short circuits the 'not enough time' hypothesis they tout.



27 Oct 08
01 Jun 19

@kellyjay said
Nothing in these lectures are conspiracy theories, but I am not holding out hope you actually review to see. I think you are more of a prefer to complain type, than see for yourself as almost all here are it seems.
Young Earth creationism is a conspiracy theory.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
01 Jun 19
1 edit

@sonhouse said
While you on the other hand, are a conspiracy defender. It IS conspiracy to suggest Earth is 6k years old and that GODIDIT is the ONLY way to explain life on Earth.
Your buddies are scientists, sure. That does not mean they have no agenda, like showing how difficult it has to be for life to form THEREFORE GODIDIT.
That is the bottom line of their 'lectures' no matter how ...[text shortened]... knew full well was a possibility but that short circuits the 'not enough time' hypothesis they tout.
A conspiracy wow, to disagree with you is really bad uh? I am surprised you didn’t call me a heretic!

You believe your beliefs are beyond reproach and state protection should be applied?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
01 Jun 19
2 edits

@kellyjay said
A conspiracy wow, to disagree with you is really bad uh? I am surprised you didn’t call me a heretic!

You believe your beliefs are beyond reproach and state protection should be applied?
You already admitted both you and your two science mavens believe GODIDIT. Nothing further need to be breached.
I NEVER said we can prove life started naturally with no god needed. I did say I think we have the technology and the genius of scientists to suss it out.
Of course then you move the goalpost and say that means I have religious 'faith'.
The difference is your faith is the same 2000 years ago, 200 years ago, this year and 2000 years from now. It cannot and will not EVER change since you and your ilk KNOW GODIDIT and nothing else matters.
I on the other hand see science as very new, less than 300 odd years old and therefore still in kindergarten and can see it growing daily, maybe even up to first grade by now.

You want to force that view on me that I therefore only have faith but it is not faith that saw the beginning of science and the subsequent growth.
It is not faith that shows daily growth of scientific knowledge. For instance, one tidbit: It is now shown entirely possible there are liquid oceans under PLUTO and complex organics already detected there and perhaps even there life may be shown to be present. The fact there have been organics found there shows such complex molecules are EVERYWHERE on moons and planets in our solar system and will most likely be found in the atmosphere of most exo-planets.
That is simple extrapolation, not faith. I have ZERO faith that will come about. I have simply said it is possible. I freely acknowledge I may be 100% wrong. If that comes about I will admit it. Science is a guide to me, not a religion.
My stance and POV can change. Your POV will NEVER change, it CANNOT change otherwise there is no faith.
In fact, I can see a time when it is proven life came from complex organics maybe seeded by nebulae, maybe just mud excited by lightning, whatever, but if that day ever comes and it is within your lifetime, you will just diss the science, say it is just fake news and nothing will change for you except then the world will know it was not a god causing life on Earth.

The only thing left logically for you religious folk is to backtrack and admit the universe actually is 13 billion years old and then you can say GODIDIT but to the entire universe where this alleged deity made up the rules of physics and chemistry in such a way as to allow life to form but without said deity controlling the movement of every atom in the universe.
THAT stance I would never argue against since we could never disprove it.
However that would never be good enough for you since humans wrote the bible and you think Earth is only a few thousand years old even though that has NEVER been said in the bible, just humans interpolating highly suspect Roger begat Mary who begat Jonah who begat, etc., etc., etc. The sad part is the literal interpretation of all that begat myth and taking it as totally 100% accurate when it would have been flat out impossible for humans to have ever written down such an accurate account lasting thousands of years.
And of course I see you countering that with 'that just proves our god wrote all that out' which is just as bad, a myth and a myth only.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
01 Jun 19

@sonhouse said
You already admitted both you and your two science mavens believe GODIDIT. Nothing further need to be breached.
I NEVER said we can prove life started naturally with no god needed. I did say I think we have the technology and the genius of scientists to suss it out.
Of course then you move the goalpost and say that means I have religious 'faith'.
The difference is your f ...[text shortened]... hat with 'that just proves our god wrote all that out' which is just as bad, a myth and a myth only.
You are so full of yourself.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
02 Jun 19

@kellyjay said
You are so full of yourself.
In other words there is no defense to my argument.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
02 Jun 19

@sonhouse said
In other words there is no defense to my argument.
Argument? I’m waiting for the cleaning to begin from those like minded Atheist who feel the need to start to killing off those who don’t have their opinions in sync with yours.

A simple lecture and this is how you respond, conspiracies oh my!


20 Oct 06
02 Jun 19

@kellyjay said
You fell asleep while watching this video? If you watched it, why can't you rationalize design as a scientific concept, or point to anything testable about it? Why can't we be both highly evolved pond scum and children of God?