The timeout mentality

The timeout mentality

Only Chess

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15 Jun 06
23 Aug 09
1 edit

I click skullz for teh lulz.


07 Feb 07
23 Aug 09

Originally posted by tomtom232
I click skullz for teh lulz.
Yes it puts a grin on my face too. If the opponent is beating me badly and has a lot higher rating than me I giggle for hours after clicking the skull.


24 Jul 07
23 Aug 09

Originally posted by rookie54
i came looking fer a threadthot that might address my disappointment with an opponent...
Game 6601530
itz a tournament game, and we have been averaging two moves apiece, per day...
the game haz progressed quickly, and now it is her last move...
she has been moving regularly in her other games...
and stalling before the final blow in this one...
...[text shortened]... game)"would not be as interesting to me"(if i should have to wait)

happy chess!!!
Obviously she's using all her time to try to find some miraculous move that will save her, or entice you into a stalemate. She's entitled.

Whoops! She just resigned, Congrats. πŸ˜‰

15 Jul 06
25 Aug 09

I used to be somewhat ambivalent about taking timeouts until I realized that sometimes I made an inferior move (or at least analysed the position less than I wanted to) to get my move in on time. In doing so, I have never been timed out, but have made some poor moves. So, in all seriousness, why should my opponent get more time to analyse than me?
Sure, he may have had to take his mother to the doctor or some such, but we all deal with those kinds of things.


30 Aug 06
25 Aug 09

Originally posted by Ohforf
I'm wondering about the mentality of the person who "takes timeouts" as soon as possible. I'm not talking about the situation where the other player just can't be bothered to move. For example, it might be very obvious you're winning a game but the other player is just absent, and won't even respond to reminders. Then it makes sense to claim the timeout to ge ...[text shortened]... and pretend he's the world champion. That would be just as meaningful.
I like it when I take a time out, and the guy whines about it. I bet your opponent likes it too. πŸ˜•
War is war loser.


07 Jan 09
25 Aug 09

Originally posted by Ice Cold
I like it when I take a time out, and the guy whines about it. I bet your opponent likes it too. πŸ˜•
War is war loser.
Oh Bowmann where have you gone, I miss you !!


07 Feb 07
25 Aug 09

Originally posted by Ice Cold
I like it when I take a time out, and the guy whines about it. I bet your opponent likes it too. πŸ˜•
War is war loser.
Yes that's the icing on the cake, getting a message going "WAHHHHH, I was gonna win an you skulled me sniffle sniffle".

So good.


30 Aug 06
26 Aug 09
1 edit

Originally posted by Sam The Sham
Yes that's the icing on the cake, getting a message going "WAHHHHH, I was gonna win an you skulled me sniffle sniffle".

So good.
The sourer the grape, the sweeter the whine. πŸ˜›


21 Dec 06
26 Aug 09

Originally posted by Ohforf
I'm wondering about the mentality of the person who "takes timeouts" as soon as possible.
I simply enjoy claiming the timeout no less than having a "normal" win. That's why I don't think twice before clicking the skull - no matter how interesting the position is. Actually I would prefer this site to have an automatic timeout like some other sites do - no need to be online and click anything. Time is over - game is finished automatically - nobody questions my mentalityπŸ˜€


11 Nov 05
26 Aug 09

If I am somebody's trainer, then I wouldn't like to have a automatic timeout.
Why not have an infinite thinking time along with the more limited times? Or perhaps 365 days timebank or something...?


21 Dec 06
26 Aug 09

Originally posted by FabianFnas
If I am somebody's trainer, then I wouldn't like to have a automatic timeout.
Why not have an infinite thinking time along with the more limited times? Or perhaps 365 days timebank or something...?
I agree. Then automatic timeout could be an option when starting a game. But still I'd prefer to have it ON by default.


Columbus, Ohio

29 Apr 08
28 Aug 09

The short version:

If I'm in a tournament game or clan challenge and I see a skull when I log in, I click it without hesitation. If I'm in a casual game and I see a skull, unless I'm really interested in seeing the game play out I click the skull. If it's someone I know personally, I'll give 'em a friendly reminder first.

The flipside—when I spent an entire month in the hospital early this year and lost 10-15 tournament and clan games by timeout because I had access to neither my computer nor an Internet connection, I didn't complain.

No, I am not a club or OTB player—for lack of people to play around here, not for lack of desire.


24 Jul 07
28 Aug 09

My decision as to whether or not to claim victory in a game based on an opponent's timeout is based mainly on my estimation of which alternative will be more enjoyable to me, and I expect others will usually do the same. Both alternatives are within the rules, and as far as I'm concerned, both are perfectly fine.

In this thread I've attempted to learn what types of reasons different people have for choosing to claim the timeout, thus terminating the game with a win. I've had all sorts of different responses, mostly fitting into at least one of the following categories:

I. People who think I'm saying there is something wrong with claiming a timeout, which I'm not (to whom a reply is unnecessary, except to thank them for their comment), or who insist that I was saying there's something wrong with it, or that I was complaining, or whining, or whatever, and just want to argue about that or what my motives in posting were, or want to attack me personally for not understanding why people do it or even for asking the question at all, etc. (to whom a reply is useless, and again unnecessary because I don't care what that type of person thinks);

II. People who want to give their own opinions about timeouts, or talk about something unrelated (thank you for your comments); and

III. People who actually answered, or tried to answer the question I posed. Those people have my thanks for responding. From those, I've identified a number of different reasons for claiming timeouts (some people gave more than one reason, and I'm sorry if I've misunderstood anyone's position):

1. Because they've got too many games running and they're happy for the excuse to lighten the load (e.g., Diet Coke, etc.);

2. Because they believe that time limits are the rules of the game, and therefore should be enforced because it would be wrong or unfair not to, so it's everyone's responsibility to claim timeouts, and/or is otherwise the responsible thing to do (e.g., Curb Your Enthusiasm, Squelchbelch, SwissGambit, wormwood, kmac27, Buzz Meeks, etc.);

3. They do it as a kind of retribution for the annoyance of having someone run past the time limit, or a desire not to play with the kind of person whose time management allows them to miss time deadlines (e.g., heinzkat, FabianFans, Neandertal, mark singler, etc.);

4. Because they're pretty sure their opponent isn't coming back, so they want to clear the game off their board (e.g., King of slow, DeepThought, acb123, etc.) [that's usually my reason too];

5. Because for them, winning is the entire point (and presumably, the enjoyment) of the game and therefore whenever a win can be claimed for whatever legal reason, it should be (e.g., heinzkat, whiteknight26, iru, etc.); and

6. Because their enjoyment of the game seems to lie in making the other person feel bad for losing, and therefore they take any win they can get (e.g., Sam the Sham, Ice Cold, etc.)

And there were a number of other responses from people who apparently don't really think about it too much; it's just part of the game so they do it.



15 Jun 06
28 Aug 09

Originally posted by Ohforf
My decision as to whether or not to claim victory in a game based on an opponent's timeout is based mainly on my estimation of which alternative will be more enjoyable to me, and I expect others will usually do the same. Both alternatives are within the rules, and as far as I'm concerned, both are perfectly fine.

In this thread I've attempted to learn what ...[text shortened]... bout it too much; it's just part of the game so they do it.

You forgot one. Clicking skullz for teh lulz.


24 Jul 07
28 Aug 09
1 edit

Originally posted by tomtom232
You forgot one. Clicking skullz for teh lulz.

I didn't forget it; I didn't understand it!

Clicking skulls for a backward figure-skating jump with a takeoff from the outside edge of one skate followed by a full turn in the air and a landing on the outside edge of the other skate?! πŸ˜•

No wait, that's "lutz"

If you meant "for the LOL's" (laughs out loud), then I guess you're in reason #5, or #6 with Sam the Sham & Ice Cold. Is that it?