Puzzle No. 428  (and No..427)

Puzzle No. 428 (and No..427)

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06 May 08
10 May 13

At work I do 18 (3 pages of 6 ) puzzles a day, sometimes more,
all depends how busy we are.

ATM I'm going through Reinfeld 1001 combo's they are not too difficult
(infact some are simple one movers not requiring you to look at the solution)
and I often score 18-0.
I did a large chunk of these in the 70's, this time I am doing every one.

However this one No. 428 was a fail.

White to play.

I did go for a line that would have won and in some cases in this book
that is all you need. A technical win.
But I did check it and was pleasantly surprised. (and caught!)

Of course one reason I failed is that there are bunches of easy ones
and suddenly to get this dropped in your lap is unfair.
(that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it) 😉
For instance the one preceeding this No.427.

White to play and win is fairly simple.
The f4 Knight is stopping both Rd5+ and Be2+ so it's over worked.

1. Rd5+ Nxd5 2. Be2+ Ka5 3. Ra7+ Ra6 4. Rxa6 mate.

A nice clockwork finish. (if 1....Ka6 2.Bc8+ is a tech win.)


White to play and win and what do you think is the real reason why I missed the best line.
(not a trick question that last one, the position is correct.)
And do it in your head like I had to do.


28 Dec 11
10 May 13
1 edit

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
10 May 13

Originally posted by greenpawn34
[b]At work I do 18 (3 pages of 6 ) puzzles a day, sometimes more,
all depends how busy we are.

ATM I'm going through Reinfeld 1001 combo's they are not too difficult
(infact some are simple one movers not requiring you to look at the solution)
and I often score 18-0.
I did a large chunk of these in the 70's, this time I am doing every one.

How ...[text shortened]... tion that last one, the position is correct.)
And do it in your head like I had to do.
I probably should have done 427 first to see if I could get 428 after solving it.

1.Re5! and if 1...Qc8 2.RxR QxR 3.d7! Qx 4.Qb8+ and mate


22 Mar 11
10 May 13

I am pretty band OTB, but RE5 looks promising; either the Queen moves allowing RxR, or if the queen moves to protect the rook after RxR; QxR, the pawn can promote.

I would guess you missed it because there is no mate...


06 May 08
11 May 13

"I would guess you missed it because there is no mate..."

But there is a mate. SG has it.

I work beside an 1890's lad and showed him the puzzle.
He too went the same way as me. (see solution below)

What we missed was the Qb8+ that's because it's not on
ATM due to the pawn on d6.