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Russ's Pocket

04 May 06
08 Oct 08
1 edit

When it is your turn you announce j'adoube and move the piece. Not just centeralize it but move it to a new location. Then announce j'adoube and move it back doing this several times. Or just making a blatent illegal move. Would you be forced to forfit if you did this? Basiclly using it as an analysis board.


24 Aug 07
08 Oct 08

Originally posted by cheshirecatstevens
When it is your turn you announce j'adoube and move the piece. Not just centeralize it but move it to a new location. Then announce j'adoube and move it back doing this several times. Or just making a blatent illegal move. Would you be forced to forfit if you did this? Basiclly using it as an analysis board.
I think you would be penalized on the clock and warned.
I wonder if anyone has j'adoubed a whole combination about 5 moves deep out before. LOL


Russ's Pocket

04 May 06
08 Oct 08

Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromfics
I think you would be penalized on the clock and warned.
I wonder if anyone has j'adoubed a whole combination about 5 moves deep out before. LOL
I would like to go to a tournement and try this with a straight face. Or see it done on the world stage. j'adoube,j'adoube,j'adoube,j'adoube


Russ's Pocket

04 May 06
08 Oct 08

There was somebody in the forums saying the would adjust the knights to face inwards ,and the opponent on his turn would turn them the other way.


19 Jun 06
08 Oct 08

Originally posted by cheshirecatstevens
When it is your turn you announce j'adoube and move the piece. Not just centeralize it but move it to a new location. Then announce j'adoube and move it back doing this several times. Or just making a blatent illegal move. Would you be forced to forfit if you did this? Basiclly using it as an analysis board.
You're not allowed to adjust a piece to a different square. If that was done to me, I'd claim touch move rule, and if taken to a TD (arbiter), I'm sure I'd win the argument.


06 May 08
08 Oct 08

There was (maybe still is) a good player on the circuit who always
after you made a move touched the piece you just moved and said "j'adoube".

He said he was just putting the piece on the centre of the square.
But he did it after EVERY MOVE!!

He had loads of complaints against him and controllers warned him
all the time.

It may have been a compulsive behaviour thing.

My advice is don't do anything that may put your opponent off.
It's against the rules. You could forfeit the game, you may get a
bat in the mouth and worse than that.
You could end up the subject of a thread on here....Oh No!


24 Aug 07
08 Oct 08

Originally posted by cheshirecatstevens
I would like to go to a tournement and try this with a straight face. Or see it done on the world stage. j'adoube,j'adoube,j'adoube,j'adoube
You could write the original position down in fen before you start j'adoubing. Of course, your clock would have to run through the whole process. Kind of over the board / correspondence chess combo.

Now there's an idea. Each player gets his own set plus one set in the middle. They can analyze on their sets with a clock ticking. Then they submit the move on the main board.

There's an idea for a great new way of playing chess. 🙂


St. Paul, Minnesota

26 Mar 08
08 Oct 08

Here's a question for the OTB'ers. How many of you say j'adoube? How many say "adjust" instead?

At the club I go, I have only heard "adjust." But I've also only heard about 3 or 4 people say it.


15 Jun 06
09 Oct 08

Originally posted by MrHand
Here's a question for the OTB'ers. How many of you say j'adoube? How many say "adjust" instead?

At the club I go, I have only heard "adjust." But I've also only heard about 3 or 4 people say it.
I don't.. i just leave the blood piece how it is or if I really don't like its body language I sac' it.


30 Aug 06
09 Oct 08

Originally posted by cheshirecatstevens
When it is your turn you announce j'adoube and move the piece. Not just centeralize it but move it to a new location. Then announce j'adoube and move it back doing this several times. Or just making a blatent illegal move. Would you be forced to forfit if you did this? Basiclly using it as an analysis board.
I would wait for the guy to leave the board for a minute, then spit a hocker in his drink. 😛


14 Jul 06
09 Oct 08

Originally posted by MrHand
Here's a question for the OTB'ers. How many of you say j'adoube? How many say "adjust" instead?

At the club I go, I have only heard "adjust." But I've also only heard about 3 or 4 people say it.
If it's their move & the piece or pawn I've moved is on the edge of it's square, I just quietly nudge it towards the center of the square without saying anything & no-one's complained so far.

If you have yet to make your move & you start adjusting pieces, then of course you must say "j'adoube" or your opponent can insist you move the piece or pawn you first touched if a legal move is available.


11 Nov 05
09 Oct 08

By the FIDE rules, you cannot annoy your opponent.
I wold certainly be annoyed if my opponent j'audobed and move pieces around. I'd call the TD and claim a punishment.


12 Feb 05
09 Oct 08

when in timetrouble, when you make a rook move, put the rook halfway between two squares. That way you can cover two different files at the same time with 1 rook.


11 Nov 05
09 Oct 08

Originally posted by schakuhr
when in timetrouble, when you make a rook move, put the rook halfway between two squares. That way you can cover two different files at the same time with 1 rook.
If I suspected that my opponent put the rook to somewhere in between two squares in order to choose later which is best, I would take my right to j'adoube the rook to the worst square.


St. Paul, Minnesota

26 Mar 08
09 Oct 08

Originally posted by Squelchbelch
If it's their move & the piece or pawn I've moved is on the edge of it's square, I just quietly nudge it towards the center of the square without saying anything & no-one's complained so far.

If you have yet to make your move & you start adjusting pieces, then of course you must say "j'adoube" or your opponent can insist you move the piece or pawn you first touched if a legal move is available.
yeah, that has been my approach. But do you say j'adoube or adjust? Just curious as to what is more common out there in the universe.