I know it's 3 days to move but...

I know it's 3 days to move but...

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1. e4!!

23 Dec 06
13 Jan 07

Why do people on here and on GK play like 30 moves in one day, some of them really intense games and then when the position is difficult or lost they don't move. You can even see some of them online and they still log off rather than play. Some of them aren't even in a bad position just don't move.

Oh well. I guess when I subscribe I'll be able to have more games and the wait won't seem as long.


06 Jul 06
13 Jan 07

Oh well. I guess when I subscribe I'll be able to have more games and the wait won't seem as long.[/b]
u r right ... its the best thing we can do ...

I Love U

LaLa Land

06 Dec 06
13 Jan 07

Originally posted by deeploser
Why do people on here and on GK play like 30 moves in one day, some of them really intense games and then when the position is difficult or lost they don't move. You can even see some of them online and they still log off rather than play. Some of them aren't even in a bad position just don't move.

Oh well. I guess when I subscribe I'll be able to have more games and the wait won't seem as long.
Because when someone is in a hard position they'd rather think about the move for a while rather than rush it and blow their game. Why not take full advantage of the time?

Forum Vampire

Sidmouth, Uk

13 Nov 06
13 Jan 07

Originally posted by deeploser
Why do people on here and on GK play like 30 moves in one day, some of them really intense games and then when the position is difficult or lost they don't move. You can even see some of them online and they still log off rather than play. Some of them aren't even in a bad position just don't move.

Oh well. I guess when I subscribe I'll be able to have more games and the wait won't seem as long.
Maybe they're just mentally tired.


Kalamazoo, MI

30 Dec 06
13 Jan 07

This is correspondence chess, right? Just checking.


1. e4!!

23 Dec 06
13 Jan 07

Or maybe they have better things to do on a weekend than just sit around and click refresh. :/

Forum Vampire

Sidmouth, Uk

13 Nov 06
13 Jan 07

Maybe they just hung their queen on c2 in another game and are sulking.


Kalamazoo, MI

30 Dec 06
13 Jan 07

People have different schedules. If my opponent is online the same time as me sure we can pound through some moves. Some positions take real thought though. Thats what the move time and timebank are for. Maybe you should consider getting an accout on ICC and playing longer time control games. No books or DB's in those however.


1. e4!!

23 Dec 06
13 Jan 07

Could be. I wouldn't worry to much about it. I spent a day or so without making any "take my piece for free" moves and was feeling good about that then blundered my queen away. It turned out ok because he blundered his away like a move or two later.


back in business

25 Aug 04
13 Jan 07

Originally posted by Diet Coke
Maybe they're just mentally tired.
...or mentally retired.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
13 Jan 07

Originally posted by deeploser
Why do people on here and on GK play like 30 moves in one day, some of them really intense games and then when the position is difficult or lost they don't move. You can even see some of them online and they still log off rather than play. Some of them aren't even in a bad position just don't move.

Oh well. I guess when I subscribe I'll be able to have more games and the wait won't seem as long.
LOL...We are human, we will always find something to complain about.😀😛😀


River City

08 Dec 04
14 Jan 07

Originally posted by deeploser
Why do people on here and on GK play like 30 moves in one day, some of them really intense games and then when the position is difficult or lost they don't move. You can even see some of them online and they still log off rather than play. Some of them aren't even in a bad position just don't move.

Oh well. I guess when I subscribe I'll be able to have more games and the wait won't seem as long.
My opening book is thirty moves deep, then I must start thinking.


20 Oct 05
16 Jan 07

Originally posted by deeploser
Why do people on here and on GK play like 30 moves in one day, some of them really intense games and then when the position is difficult or lost they don't move. You can even see some of them online and they still log off rather than play. Some of them aren't even in a bad position just don't move.

Oh well. I guess when I subscribe I'll be able to have more games and the wait won't seem as long.
I've experienced the same thing. Some players move multiple times per day then once the position is losing or hopeless they move barely within the time allowed and do not resign (and continue to move in other games).
My question is it tactical to keep one's rating high. If a player wins about 1/2 the games they start, they start on average two games a day and it takes on average 21 days to complete every loss but only 7 days to complete every win. After 21 days they will have on average 14 wins and only one loss (and 13 games with losing positions). After 42 days Wouldn't the player have about 35 wins and 22 losses. The player would always have about 13 more wins than losses and always have a slightly elevated ranking. Would this work to keep one's rating high (not that I am suggesting employing this tactic)? Why keep one's rating artificially high?


1. e4!!

23 Dec 06
16 Jan 07

I don't know for sure if they are doing something like that. I don't want my rating to be artificially inflated or lowered. Or in other words I hope it shows how strong or weak of a player I am and nothing more. Just a guideline to figure out if I'm improving or whatnot.

Forum Vampire

Sidmouth, Uk

13 Nov 06
16 Jan 07

Maybe we could get stats on the average length of games and if someone is artifically lengthening lost games to keep their rating up then they can be warned or something.

I have a number of completely won games, including one where I'm up two whole queens and a bishop against someone who should know better. Then again it is a 1 day forfeit, maybe they're hoping against hope.