Bravery In Chess

Bravery In Chess

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Mr T

I pity the fool!

22 Jan 05
09 Jul 08

A decent player against a weak player can drum up counterplay from any position - it is when you play opponents of equal of greater strength where this opening should be banned for all time.


Hollow earth

29 Apr 08
09 Jul 08

Intresting debate indeed.But don't blame the opening.If both players are willing to go all out for a win you'll get an intresting game,regardless of the opening used.
It's the players,not the openings.

Just my opinion 🙂

Chess Warrior


05 Jan 05
10 Jul 08

Originally posted by Tyrannosauruschex
A decent player against a weak player can drum up counterplay from any position - it is when you play opponents of equal of greater strength where this opening should be banned for all time.
I dont think that your inability to play against opening would be adequate reason to ban it. It would be better if you would try to improve your knowledge about this opening to be able play against it with better results. You should not blame opening but lack of your chess skills to play against it. Your whining is really pity.

Mr T

I pity the fool!

22 Jan 05
10 Jul 08

No cause every time I memorise any theory for the c3 sicillian it proves to be a complete waste of my time as they inveriably deviate from any main line play and use some judassing lesser known system cause they are too scared even to face the theory of their favourite opening.

I even used it myself earlier today and absolutely thrashed somebody - I didnt even learn anything that I could use as black as a counter system, it is such a "safe" line.


26 Aug 07
10 Jul 08
2 edits

Originally posted by Tyrannosauruschex
A decent player against a weak player can drum up counterplay from any position - it is when you play opponents of equal of greater strength where this opening should be banned for all time.
yes that is quite true, however, is it not even more so that styles of play take on an even greater significance, the more highly rated and equally matched the opponents are and things therefore like openings are merely a matter of taste, not of great consequence, and just out of interest could you post the line/lines that you find so abhorrent.

Chess Warrior


05 Jan 05
10 Jul 08

Originally posted by Tyrannosauruschex
No cause every time I memorise any theory for the c3 sicillian it proves to be a complete waste of my time as they inveriably deviate from any main line play and use some judassing lesser known system cause they are too scared even to face the theory of their favourite opening.

I even used it myself earlier today and absolutely thrashed somebod ...[text shortened]... en learn anything that I could use as black as a counter system, it is such a "safe" line.
It`s obvious that you afraid to face 2.c3 Sicilian because you are unable to play against it. And as you are unable to admit your chess ignorance you are blaming your opponents. In few words - you are one of the worst kind of losers.

And obviously you don`t understand that whining about evil 2.c3 Sicilian you are only advertising this opening system.

10. O-O

Kalispell, MT

05 Jul 08
10 Jul 08
1 edit

If you don't like the alapin...don't play the sicilian... most players will be more than happy to transpose into the advanced variation of the french defense.
1. e4 c5 2. c3 d5 is pretty main line...

2... d6 is very sharp and leads to some sharp more open gambit play
3.d4 Nf6 4.dxc5 Nc6 (4...Nxe4?? 5.Qa4+) 5.cxd6 Nxe4

2...e6 probably blacks most stable and sound response...even wikipedia will stand with this response...
This is Black's most solid response, preparing 3...d5. It is closely related to the French Defense, to which it often transposes. White can transpose to the Advance Variation of the French Defense with 3.d4 d5 4.e5. Alternatively, White can transpose to a sort of Tarrasch French with 3.d4 d5 4.Nd2, or try to demonstrate a slight advantage with 3.d4 d5 4.exd5 exd5 5.Be3.

Chess Warrior


05 Jan 05
10 Jul 08
2 edits

Originally posted by Nowakowski
If you don't like the alapin...don't play the sicilian... most players will be more than happy to transpose into the advanced variation of the french defense.
1. e4 c5 2. c3 d5 is pretty main line...

2... d6 is very sharp and leads to some sharp more open gambit play
3.d4 Nf6 4.dxc5 Nc6 (4...Nxe4?? 5.Qa4+) 5.cxd6 Nxe4

2...e6 probabl with 3.d4 d5 4.Nd2, or try to demonstrate a slight advantage with 3.d4 d5 4.exd5 exd5 5.Be3.
Actually main line against 2.c3 is considered 2...Nf6 which can give equality, but personally I like to play against that line very much with my favorite Rozentalis system (3.e5 Nd5 4.g3) in which I have scalps of many strong players (also national masters and FMs).

2...d5 is also popular response, but in that system white gets small positional plus.

I agree about 2...e6 - its very solid response, especially if you don`t mind to play French, but personally I don`t know too many Sicilian players who would like to play French.

2...d6 is sharp,but after 3.d4 Nf6 4.dxc5 Nc6 in my opinion white should play 5.f3 against which black can choose between slightly worse endgame (5...dxc5) and pawn sacrifice (5...d5).

Also not bad systems are fianceto with 2....g6 or 2...b6.


14 Jul 06
10 Jul 08

I have to play the c3 Sicilian sometimes by transposition from the Morra declined - ie
1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 Nf6 4.e5 Nd5 5.cxd4 d6 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Bc4 which I find ok as White
1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd3 3.c3 d5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.cxd4 and I find this problematic because of the isolated QP and all the early defence which is needed to avoid a quick defeat. For me, Black has a slight advantage already here, but this is because I only have cursory knowledge of the 2.c3 Sicilian via another opening. The main line continues 5...Nc6 6.Nf3 e5 7.Nc3 Bb4 which is not the kind of position I want at move 1 as White!

Chess Warrior


05 Jan 05
10 Jul 08
2 edits

Originally posted by Squelchbelch
I have to play the c3 Sicilian sometimes by transposition from the Morra declined - ie
1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 Nf6 4.e5 Nd5 5.cxd4 d6 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Bc4 which I find ok as White
1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd3 3.c3 d5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.cxd4 and I find this problematic because of the isolated QP and all the early defence which is needed to avoid a quick defeat. For me, ...[text shortened]... move 1 as White!

[fen]r1b1k1nr/pp3ppp/2n5/3qp3/1b1P4/2N2N2/PP3PPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 0 8[/fen]
As experienced Sicilian 2.c3 player I can say that positions after 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 d5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.cxd4 (1.e4 c5 2.c3 d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 4.d4 cxd4 5.cxd4) are better for white.

Here is one good example of problems black can face in this line.

Mr T

I pity the fool!

22 Jan 05
10 Jul 08

You are still missing my point - if the c3 system is so flawless then how is it that the top grands have not abandoned the main lines for it?
There must be a weakness that you, and the other exponents of this opening, are hiding from the world to try and skank a few mroe wins....

I am going to find it, and once I do, I will post it everywhere I possibly can until that wretched opening is totally wiped from the face of theory!

Chess Warrior


05 Jan 05
10 Jul 08
2 edits

Originally posted by Tyrannosauruschex
You are still missing my point - if the c3 system is so flawless then how is it that the top grands have not abandoned the main lines for it?
There must be a weakness that you, and the other exponents of this opening, are hiding from the world to try and skank a few mroe wins....

I am going to find it, and once I do, I will post it everywhere I possibly can until that wretched opening is totally wiped from the face of theory!
If the opening is really so obviously wretched then nobody has reason to wipe it out from the face of theory 🙂 There are many strong GM`s using this opening - the best well known is Sergey Tiviakov - the winner of 2008 European championship. And if you would look at databases wou will see that top GMs (for example Kramnik and Adams) have used 2.c3 sometimes.

Chess Warrior


05 Jan 05
10 Jul 08
1 edit

One of the many games of Adams played in Sicilian 2.c3

Chess Warrior


05 Jan 05
10 Jul 08

Also Mamedyarov have been played 2.c3

Chess Warrior


05 Jan 05
10 Jul 08

Also strong GMs like Sergey Rublevsky have used 2.c3 with not bad results