UNICEF calls for immediate cease-fire

UNICEF calls for immediate cease-fire


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Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04

"The U.N. children’s agency is calling for an immediate cease-fire and humanitarian access into the Gaza Strip, saying hundreds of thousands of children and their families have started fleeing northern Gaza.

UNICEF said children and families in Gaza have practically run out of food, water, electricity, medicine and safe access to hospitals, following days of hostilities and cuts to all supply routes.

“The situation is catastrophic, with unrelenting bombing and a massive increase in the displacement of children and families. There are no safe places,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell.

UNICEF said its staff have continued to respond to the critical needs of children across the Gaza Strip, but access is becoming increasingly difficult and dangerous.

The agency said UNICEF staff will stay in southern Gaza to continue to provide support for children in need."


Pro-Hamas dupes!

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04

"Patients and medical staff of Al Awda Hospital in Gaza spent part of their night on the street “with bombs landing in close proximity,” following Israel’s orders to evacuate the facility, the medical aid group Doctors Without Borders said.

Scott Hamilton, a spokesman for the aid group, which is known as MSF, said some of the medical staff and all patients have been moved to another location.

“But the situation remains extremely complicated and chaotic,” he told The Associated Press. “We call on Israel once again to cease the indiscriminate bloodshed, withdraw their ultimatum.”


Pro-Hamas dupes II!


07 Dec 05

I expect Israel will give them time to leave. That is what Israel has always wanted. Once they leave my guess is Israel will not let them return. What is Egypt getting in return for letting all these people across their border though? It must be a burden. Is Israel paying Egypt to take them?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04

@metal-brain said
I expect Israel will give them time to leave. That is what Israel has always wanted. Once they leave my guess is Israel will not let them return. What is Egypt getting in return for letting all these people across their border though? It must be a burden. Is Israel paying Egypt to take them?
Egypt is not accepting Gaza refugees:

"Egyptian authorities erected temporary blast walls on Egypt's side of the crossing, fearing a mass exodus of Palestinians, and Egyptian security sources said that Cairo would not accept an influx of Palestinian refugees.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry had issued a statement on Friday that called for Gaza residents to ignore the Israeli warning to leave their homes and head south. It said this would expose more than 1 million people "to the dangers of remaining in the bare outdoors, with no shelter, facing grave and harsh humanitarian and security conditions."



07 Dec 05

@no1marauder said
Egypt is not accepting Gaza refugees:

"Egyptian authorities erected temporary blast walls on Egypt's side of the crossing, fearing a mass exodus of Palestinians, and Egyptian security sources said that Cairo would not accept an influx of Palestinian refugees.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry had issued a statement on Friday that called for Gaza residents to ignore the ...[text shortened]... rian and security conditions."

So they are just relocating to the southern part of Gaza?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04

@metal-brain said
So they are just relocating to the southern part of Gaza?
The ones who have left (a minority) can only go to the Southern half of Gaza.

Israel has bombed one of the escape route they designated. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/14/gaza-civilians-afraid-to-leave-home-after-bombing-of-safe-routes


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
1 edit

It is all rather worrisome. The consequences of Israeli actions (a democratic state being allowed to behave like terrorists; with actions which are fundamentally ethnic cleansing) will be felt througout the world.

It’s a live-action promotion of why jihadism is the only legitimate way to fight for one’s ideals against “the West” .

I mean, Hamas knew the response they’d get from Israel. And taking that into account, the only two goals they could achieve is getting a large part of the IDF in one place and the slaughtering of Palestinian civilians.

The former could be a military strategy, but I can’t fathom how they could benefit from it (unless they’ve got a hidden nuke somewhere… but how? ). The latter seems to me the more long-term effective plan: the martyerdom of many Palestinian civilians for the greater cause (their cause in this, obviously not mine: just in case someone is ignorant enough to think I actually support jihadism).

From an Israeli perspective: if you know the consequences of your actions on jihadism on a world-wide scale… pull the plaster off in one hefty swipe. No use dragging the ethnic cleansing out over a longer period. Just wipe Gaza from the map; civilians and all. Then after an election, install a new israeli government which condemns the former and promises better relations. Problems solved.



04 Apr 04

@shavixmir said
It is all rather worrisome. The consequences of Israeli actions (a democratic state being allowed to behave like terrorists; with actions which are fundamentally ethnic cleansing) will be felt througout the world.

It’s a live-action promotion of why jihadism is the only legitimate way to fight for one’s ideals against “the West” .

I mean, Hamas knew the response they’ ...[text shortened]... l a new israeli government which condemns the former and promises better relations. Problems solved.
Pakistan has nuclear weapons, and they support a Palestinian state. So weapons can go from Pakistan to Iran to Hamas. Pakistan gets to pretend they are neutral.


07 Dec 05

@no1marauder said
The ones who have left (a minority) can only go to the Southern half of Gaza.

Israel has bombed one of the escape route they designated. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/14/gaza-civilians-afraid-to-leave-home-after-bombing-of-safe-routes
Was it Israel that bombed one of the escape routes or was it Egypt?
Why would Israel care if the Palestinians leave Gaza and go to Egypt? Isn't getting them to leave been Israel's goal all along? Cutting off 90% of potable water and cutting off electricity most of the time was meant to make their lives difficult so they would leave, right? That was going on for years. I cannot think of any other motive to do that other than being jerks. And now we have a modern version of the "trail of tears" going on as we speak.

Do you think Israel will allow any of them to return once they have complete control over north Gaza?


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04

@rajk999 said
Pakistan has nuclear weapons, and they support a Palestinian state. So weapons can go from Pakistan to Iran to Hamas. Pakistan gets to pretend they are neutral.
You think Pakistan gave Iran a nuclear weapon, who then smuggled it into Gaza?

Do you see why I think the other scenario more likely?


07 Dec 05




Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04

@no1marauder said
The ones who have left (a minority) can only go to the Southern half of Gaza.

Israel has bombed one of the escape route they designated. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/14/gaza-civilians-afraid-to-leave-home-after-bombing-of-safe-routes
Israel wants them to go. This harms Israel in every possible way then we start to think, who does it benefit?. Who thinks it's actually a good thing to die for the cause, and if you disagree you just don't fully understand because you're about to become a martyr to the Hamas PR strategy.

And of course the Guardian and the BBC are not as fanatical as No.1 and have not blamed either side for the strike but simply reported on it.


"Israel has bombed one of the escape route they designated. "

...is No1 making stuff up and trying to tack it on to a news article to give his dream feelings legs.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04

@wajoma said
Israel wants them to go. This harms Israel in every possible way then we start to think, who does it benefit?. Who thinks it's actually a good thing to die for the cause, and if you disagree you just don't fully understand because you're about to become a martyr to the Hamas PR strategy.

And of course the Guardian and the BBC are not as fanatical as No.1 and have not blam ...[text shortened]... ..is No1 making stuff up and trying to tack it on to a news article to give his dream feelings legs.
I call you out for lying. From the Guardian article:

"A convoy of vehicles carrying fleeing civilians in Gaza that was hit by a deadly airstrike was travelling on one of the two roads identified by the Israeli army as “safe routes” to the southern half of the strip, according to analysis."


Israel's bombing the southern part of Gaza they told people to evacuate to:. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/17/israel-bombs-homes-in-southern-gaza-kills-more-than-70-people

Why would they care about Western reactions when they have liars like yourself to spread their propaganda?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
1 edit

"Throughout the day Tuesday, airstrikes killed dozens of civilians and at least one senior Hamas figure in the southern half of the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli military told fleeing Palestinians to go. An Associated Press reporter saw around 50 bodies brought to Nasser Hospital after strikes in the southern city of Khan Younis."


EDIT: Figured you'd claim that Al Jazeera was biased, so this article is from a TV station in Portland, Oregon.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
2 edits

@no1marauder said
I call you out for lying. From the Guardian article:
You need to calm down, you're becoming over wrought and too invested in this.

They're calling it an airstrike but they stop short of blaming either Israel or Hamas.

It was not a lie, it's there in black and white and you should retract.

However I restate my accusation towards you, you made it up, you attempted to attach it to the Guardian article to give your dream feelings some credibility.