The Bernie Factor

The Bernie Factor


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03 Sep 06
08 Jun 16

A great deal has been made about cracks and divisions in the republican party, but Hillary Clinton has problems of her own in this area. 8 years ago, though it was painful, Hillary graciously stepped aside when it became clear the delegate math was impossible for her, and threw her support behind Obama. Bernie Sanders does not seem willing to do this, vowing to "fight on, all the way to the convention" It's not fun to admit defeat, especially after having worked very hard for 2 years to get to this point, but Bernie Sanders is fast becoming the perfect example of the angry old man. So, will Bernie endorse Hillary at some point and unite the Democrats, or will he become the "Ralph Nader" that he vowed he would not be?


04 Feb 05
08 Jun 16

why should he step down? so that hilarry would have nobody to push her more to the left? (better said, more to the center since she is quite right at the moment)

so that she doesn't have to change one iota of her stances?

sanders still has a message to get across. still must make it clear to the democrats that if they want the support of the people, they will have to do better. still must make it clear to more and more americans that one CAN change things if one is willing to work for it. that if it didn't work out now, in 4 years another true progressive could continue what sanders started.

as for sanders becoming another nader, you have no idea what you're talking about. nader didn't win a single state. nader got what, less than 5% of the popular vote? to compare sanders with nader is to insult what sanders has achieved.


05 Sep 08
08 Jun 16

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
why should he step down? so that hilarry would have nobody to push her more to the left? (better said, more to the center since she is quite right at the moment)

so that she doesn't have to change one iota of her stances?

sanders still has a message to get across. still must make it clear to the democrats that if they want the support of the people, ...[text shortened]... an 5% of the popular vote? to compare sanders with nader is to insult what sanders has achieved.
The truth is that regardless, of what they say, those to the left of Sanders will vote for Clinton. If Clinton wants more votes she should move to the right -- which I imagine she will.


04 Feb 05
08 Jun 16

Originally posted by quackquack
The truth is that regardless, of what they say, those to the left of Sanders will vote for Clinton. If Clinton wants more votes she should move to the right -- which I imagine she will.
"The truth is that regardless, of what they say, those to the left of Sanders will vote for Clinton"
that's not a given.
there are those who were utterly disgusted with the political system. sanders brought them out to vote because he spoke honestly to them. when he is gone, will they forget why they were disgusted in the first place and vote for someone representing that very disgusting system? i doubt it.

maybe there will be sanders supporters who will still want to vote. they voted for sanders because they shared his ideas. why should they vote for clinton if she doesn't? why should they trust her if she suddenly says she does? fact is, clinton has been late on mostly every progressive issue, until it was conveniently popular. how long did it took her to support gay marriage? minimum wage increase, which she wanted at 12, she is now starting to say 15 more and more, just because sanders and his supporters asked for 15.

Clinton doesn't seem to get that she will have to work for Sanders supporters and she will have to work hard. If her whole appeal is "i am slightly better than trump", maybe the US deserves to suffer through a trump presidency.


05 Sep 08
08 Jun 16

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
"The truth is that regardless, of what they say, those to the left of Sanders will vote for Clinton"
that's not a given.
there are those who were utterly disgusted with the political system. sanders brought them out to vote because he spoke honestly to them. when he is gone, will they forget why they were disgusted in the first place and vote for someone ...[text shortened]... s "i am slightly better than trump", maybe the US deserves to suffer through a trump presidency.
Clinton does not have to work even a little bit for Sanders supporters. Even if you feel she is late to your causes and carries them short of your extreme desires, she supports them far more than Trump. I certainly would be delighted if Sanders supporters did not vote, but regardless of what they say, 90+% are. voting for Clinton


02 Jan 06
08 Jun 16

Originally posted by quackquack
Clinton does not have to work even a little bit for Sanders supporters. Even if you feel she is late to your causes and carries them short of your extreme desires, she supports them far more than Trump. I certainly would be delighted if Sanders supporters did not vote, but regardless of what they say, 90+% are. voting for Clinton
The drones will do the bidding of their master, whoever the nominee will be.



03 Sep 06
08 Jun 16

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
why should he step down? so that hilarry would have nobody to push her more to the left? (better said, more to the center since she is quite right at the moment)

so that she doesn't have to change one iota of her stances?

sanders still has a message to get across. still must make it clear to the democrats that if they want the support of the people, ...[text shortened]... an 5% of the popular vote? to compare sanders with nader is to insult what sanders has achieved.
I didn't ask if Bernie should step down, I asked "will he?"



27 Oct 08
08 Jun 16

Originally posted by bill718
I didn't ask if Bernie should step down, I asked "will he?"
Sanders has consistently said he would continue campaigning until the convention. What reason would he have to suddenly backtrack?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
08 Jun 16

Originally posted by bill718
A great deal has been made about cracks and divisions in the republican party, but Hillary Clinton has problems of her own in this area. 8 years ago, though it was painful, Hillary graciously stepped aside when it became clear the delegate math was impossible for her, and threw her support behind Obama. Bernie Sanders does not seem willing to do this, vowing ...[text shortened]... oint and unite the Democrats, or will he become the "Ralph Nader" that he vowed he would not be?
Hillary "graciously stepped aside" four days after the last primaries in 2008.,_2008

Come back after June 18th.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
08 Jun 16

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Sanders has consistently said he would continue campaigning until the convention. What reason would he have to suddenly backtrack?
He was counting on a win in California and lost by double digits there. Best guess is he will drop out before the convention.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
09 Jun 16

The problem the left has in the US is, if they don't support Clinton, their vote is wasted.

What can they do?
Not voting will only increase the chance of even worse grabbing power.

That being said, I really don't feel the Americans deserve any better.
Wave your flags, shout Gods on your side, scream you're the greatest democracy on Earth and shoot your way to gun laws and anti-abortionism...

Yeah, I pretty much think you deserve Trump.


04 Feb 05
09 Jun 16

Originally posted by quackquack
Clinton does not have to work even a little bit for Sanders supporters. Even if you feel she is late to your causes and carries them short of your extreme desires, she supports them far more than Drumpf. I certainly would be delighted if Sanders supporters did not vote, but regardless of what they say, 90+% are. voting for Clinton
"Clinton does not have to work even a little bit for Sanders supporters."
if you think that you have no idea what sanders and most of his supporters stand for.

lukewarm candidates that flip flop however the winds of public opinion blow and ultimately are tools for the corporations are not to be tolerated. sanders has shown what a candidate that truly stands up for what he believes can achieve. he has shown that the compromise that hilary is proposing is just as bad as trumps lunacy.

sanders supporters were promised true change. they supported him for that. why should they support a candidate that promises nothing (though even if she did, who would believe her at this point).

"regardless of what they say, 90+% are. voting for Clinton"
a number that you pulled out of one of your orifices.


04 Feb 05
09 Jun 16

Originally posted by bill718
I didn't ask if Bernie should step down, I asked "will he?"
and by showing that he has no reason to step down, i also answered your question


04 Feb 05
09 Jun 16

Originally posted by no1marauder
He was counting on a win in California and lost by double digits there. Best guess is he will drop out before the convention.
he will push for a contested convention. he will try to convince the super delegates that hilary will lose to donald trump who will turn the general election into a smear fest. drumpf will not be decent like bernie (who pulled his punches whenever he attacked hilary). trump will not spend a second explaining his policies, he will attack clinton for everything relevant or not

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
09 Jun 16

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
he will push for a contested convention. he will try to convince the super delegates that hilary will lose to donald trump who will turn the general election into a smear fest. drumpf will not be decent like bernie (who pulled his punches whenever he attacked hilary). trump will not spend a second explaining his policies, he will attack clinton for everything relevant or not
No, he won't. He lost the pledged delegates by too much to make that a possible option and he knows it. Bernie asked for a meeting with the President today; I wouldn't be shocked if that meeting is followed by a joint endorsement of Hillary.