Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and jobs

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and jobs


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02 Jan 06
06 Sep 11

Apparently, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis says she had no idea that Texas has the largest job growth rate in the entire 57 states of the union.

Although this comes from a right winged source and is partisan, it is worth a look at the video becuase it is humorous watching the equally partisan Hilda Solis dodge the question due to poltican reasons. Hello Mr. Perry!!!

At first she tries to act as though she had no idea that Texas has the largest job rate in the union which is a bold faced lie!!....or at least I hope she is not an inempt idiot with the duty to track such things. However, she then regroups in an attack on Texas with apparent expert knowledge that the jobs in Texas are both dangerous and do not pay well.
