Hamilton wanted a monarchy

Hamilton wanted a monarchy


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02 Jan 06
23 Apr 16

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
If people cared enough about term limits, you'd have them.
If people cared enough?

How much do they have to care to be heard?



27 Oct 08
23 Apr 16

Originally posted by whodey
If people cared enough?

How much do they have to care to be heard?
Enough so that people are willing to change their vote over the issue.


02 Jan 06
23 Apr 16

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Enough so that people are willing to change their vote over the issue.
So how do they do that?


02 Jan 06
23 Apr 16
1 edit

Originally posted by no1marauder
[b]Most of the debt has been accrued in the last three decades because of gigantic tax cuts and wars and military spending. "Progs" didn't support those.
So your definition of someone who is not a Prog is someone who spends large amounts of money on the military?

But I thought the military was merely an extension of the government and government expansion. How did we get to the place that Progs, whom I consider big government people in general, are merely those who want to spend large amounts of money expanding government at home?

Need I remind you that these so called non-Progs like "W" also expanded the nanny state at home as well as overseas. In comparison, Obama started a war in Libya. It seems to me that both parties have continued to expand both the nanny state and military no matter the party.

In fact, how does one advocate the unrestrained expansion of government without expanding it all across the spectrum? It seems to me to be impossible.



27 Oct 08
23 Apr 16

Originally posted by whodey
So how do they do that?
Instead of voting for candidate A who doesn't want term limits they vote for candidate B who does want them.


02 Jan 06
23 Apr 16

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Instead of voting for candidate A who doesn't want term limits they vote for candidate B who does want them.
What viable candidates want term limits?



27 Oct 08
23 Apr 16

Originally posted by whodey
What viable candidates want term limits?
If you think people think this issue is very important to voters, you can run as a candidate or encourage someone else to do so on a term limit platform.


02 Jan 06
23 Apr 16

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
If you think people think this issue is very important to voters, you can run as a candidate or encourage someone else to do so on a term limit platform.
I've already shown that 3/4 of Americans favor term limits.

Of course, they did not ask if it was super duper important to them. I suppose that only if things are super duper important do politicians give a damn.


02 Jan 06
23 Apr 16


Leahy is 74 yo and served 40 years in Congress.
Hatch is 80 yo and served 38 years
Mikulski is 78 yo and served 38 years
Roberts is 78 yo and served 34 years
Reid is 75 yo and served 32 years.
Schumer is 64 yo and served 34 years
McCain is 78 yo and served 32 years
Shelby is 80 yo and served 36 years
McConnell is 78 yo and served 30 years
Cochran is 77 years old and served 42 years
Durbin is 70 yo and served 32 years
Grassley is 81 yo and served 34 years.

In 1947, Congress limited the Presidential terms to 2 terms stating, "Too much power, for too long, is a threat to freedom."

Why is Congress any different?



27 Oct 08
23 Apr 16
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey
I've already shown that 3/4 of Americans favor term limits.

Of course, they did not ask if it was super duper important to them. I suppose that only if things are super duper important do politicians give a damn.
Well duh, why would politicians care about something people don't care about?

Out of curiosity I looked up who the longest serving members of parliament (150 seats) in the Dutch Tweede Kamer (comparable to HoR) are (there is no term limit). The longest serving member (age 53) has been in parliament for 17 years, while the 10th longest serving member (age 51) has been in parliament for 11 years (for multiple different parties) - less than someone serving two terms as a Senator in the US. The average over all MPs is having served about 5 years previously. It seems that simply abolishing the two-party system will solve the "problem" you identify here - as well, of course, as multiple other, more pressing issues.


02 Jan 06
23 Apr 16
4 edits

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Well duh, why would politicians care about something people don't care about?

Out of curiosity I looked up who the longest serving members of parliament (150 seats) in the Dutch Tweede Kamer (comparable to HoR) are (there is no term limit). The longest serving member (age 53) has been in parliament for 17 years, while the 10th longest serving member ...[text shortened]... e the "problem" you identify here - as well, of course, as multiple other, more pressing issues.
You fail to consider the level of corruption and power in both systems.

I wonder what the retirement packages for both would look like in both countries. My guess is that the US is much more lavish, probably more so in hidden perks. There should be no retirement. Do jurors have a retirement system? No, because they are not there long enough and that is because it is public service only.

Also, the US simply has more revenue and military power. The more power that exists the more corrupt it becomes.


02 Jan 06
23 Apr 16

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
If you think people think this issue is very important to voters, you can run as a candidate or encourage someone else to do so on a term limit platform.
Really? I can run as a candidate? LOL.


The Catbird's Seat

21 Oct 06
23 Apr 16

Originally posted by whodey
So you would be happy with Obama as President till he dies at 100 years old? As it stands now, people who win one election are always in there for at least 2 terms, which ends up being about a decade, no matter how incompetent they are like "W".

How many dictators are ever voted out of office? LOL.

As it stands now, part of the problem is Congress. M ...[text shortened]... ow swept under the rug and power has been centralized so that these politicians are untouchable.
So you would be happy with Obama as President till he dies at 100 years old?

Are you high on drugs? There have been a few one termers, but Americans in general like to give their leaders enough of a chance, even if they disagree ideologically.

Presidents never were intended to be dictators, and the division of power between Congress, the President, and SCOTUS seems good, although not perfect at times.

As to scandals ending Presidencies, it can never work if it only applies to one party. Until Democrats are as willing to slay their own as are Republicans, it can never work.

I don't see the Royal family thing. We've had one Clinton, and one Bush. It still seems a long shot that we get a second of either.

Don't ask me to itemize all the knuckleheads we've seen thrown out of Congress, and those Presidential candidates whose run stopped abruptly when the public said no thanks. The system is far from perfect, but better than anything else out there.


02 Jan 06
23 Apr 16
1 edit

Originally posted by normbenign
[b]So you would be happy with Obama as President till he dies at 100 years old?

Are you high on drugs? There have been a few one termers, but Americans in general like to give their leaders enough of a chance, even if they disagree ideologically.
I think you confuse two issues. You assume that because a politician gets elected, then that is the will of the people. What you neglect to understand is, those who are elected are able to engage in certain activities, such as gerrymandering, that enhance their ability to get re-elected. The recent IRS scandal comes to mind where conservative groups were targeted by Obama and his cronies. Even if a vote legitimately came from a US citizen, that has not been dead for 50 years, you assume that vote was not bought in some form or fashion, such as propaganda measures in the media.

Every President since Bush Sr. has been elected 2 terms. Considering how horrible both "W" and Obama have been, it makes one wonder why.



27 Oct 08
23 Apr 16

Originally posted by whodey
Really? I can run as a candidate? LOL.
My bad - I didn't realize you had a criminal record.