Gates on the Election

Gates on the Election


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15 Oct 10
18 Sep 16

From the Wall Street Journal 9/17-18/2016

"Polls make it clear that most Americans are dissatisfied with the two major party candidates for president. But as I used to say at the Pentagon, we are where we are -not where we might wish to be. We have to make a decision...
Mrs Clinton has time before the election to address forthrightly her trustworthiness, to reassure people about her judgment, to demonstrate her willingness to stake out one or more positions on national security at odds with her party's conventional wisdom and to speak beyond generalities as to how she would deal with China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, the middle East and International trade. Whether and how she addresses these issues will affect how many people vote- including me...
At least on National Security, I believe Mr. Trump is beyond repair. He is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander in chief."


26 Aug 07
18 Sep 16

Originally posted by stevemcc
From the Wall Street Journal 9/17-18/2016

"Polls make it clear that most Americans are dissatisfied with the two major party candidates for president. But as I used to say at the Pentagon, we are where we are -not where we might wish to be. We have to make a decision...
Mrs Clinton has time before the election to address forthrightly her trustworthiness ...[text shortened]... ted to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander in chief."
Another opinion piece.


02 Jan 06
19 Sep 16

Originally posted by stevemcc
From the Wall Street Journal 9/17-18/2016

"Polls make it clear that most Americans are dissatisfied with the two major party candidates for president. But as I used to say at the Pentagon, we are where we are -not where we might wish to be. We have to make a decision...
Mrs Clinton has time before the election to address forthrightly her trustworthiness ...[text shortened]... ted to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander in chief."
How do you take back a life of lying to the American people?

How do you make the American people confident in your foreign policy when you foreign policy in the past has left the Middle East and the rest of the world in ruin?

Hillary is not trustworthy, and her judgment is horrible.

Then there is the issue of her health.

She is perhaps the worst candidate in US political history.


12 Jul 08
19 Sep 16

We know that the American electorate will elect anyone. They re elected Obama so why mot Hillary?

15 Oct 10
19 Sep 16

Originally posted by whodey
How do you take back a life of lying to the American people?

How do you make the American people confident in your foreign policy when you foreign policy in the past has left the Middle East and the rest of the world in ruin?

Hillary is not trustworthy, and her judgment is horrible.

Then there is the issue of her health.

She is perhaps the worst candidate in US political history.
You are free to focus on Clinton. Gates' point is that Trump is worse. Willful ignorance is a powerful disincentive.

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
19 Sep 16

Originally posted by whodey...
She is perhaps the worst candidate in US political history.
Hyperbolic nonsense. She is a skilled politician with a proven track record. She leans left - that is your angst, right?



27 Oct 08
19 Sep 16

Originally posted by apathist
Hyperbolic nonsense. She is a skilled politician with a proven track record. She leans left - that is your angst, right?
Man, is whodey going to be in for a surprise when he finds out who is running on the Republican ticket!

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Sep 16

Originally posted by stevemcc
Whether and how she addresses these issues will affect how many people vote- including me...
Which begs the question - does not voting achieve the desired goal? He will either end up with Trump (which he clearly states is not acceptable to him) or Hillary will win anyway but with a smaller majority - but will that really have any effect on policy? Now if he said he would vote for a third party, that might at least make some difference.


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
19 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by stevemcc
From the Wall Street Journal 9/17-18/2016

"Polls make it clear that most Americans are dissatisfied with the two major party candidates for president. But as I used to say at the Pentagon, we are where we are -not where we might wish to be. We have to make a decision...
Mrs Clinton has time before the election to address forthrightly her trustworthiness ...[text shortened]... ted to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander in chief."
Generally true, but Hillary Clinton made a very bad mistake in using her private email the way she did, and I'm not convinced she has learned her lesson. Regarding honesty I don't think Hillary is any more or less trustworthy than any other career politician, but Donald Trump knows if one repeats something often enough, many people will believe it. As far as Mr. Trump goes, his campaign looks and sounds like the Jerry Springer show, complete with fights, foul language, and wacky statements that would sink any other candidate. He's all over the map on so many issues, so I cannot envision what a Trump administration would look like. Frankly, I'm stunned that in a country with over 300 million people, we can't find anyone better than these two. That said, I'm still leaning to Hillary. Electing a very unpredictable Donald Trump would be like giving a monkey a hand grenade, sooner or later, something very bad will happen. 😕

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Sep 16

Originally posted by mchill
Generally true, but Hillary Clinton made a very bad mistake in using her private email the way she did, and I'm not convinced she has learned her lesson.
She didn't make a mistake at all. If she hadn't done that the republicans would have picked on something else. If anything the whole email saga just demonstrates to anyone with any intelligence just how desperate the republicans really are. If they can't find any worse dirt than that on Hilary, she must be impeccable.


02 Jan 06
19 Sep 16
2 edits

Originally posted by apathist
Hyperbolic nonsense. She is a skilled politician with a proven track record. She leans left - that is your angst, right?
I would agree that she is a skilled politician. However, I don't know how that contradicts anything I said.

Dims only know how to win elections. And to be honest, if she only relied on her rhetoric and appeal to win elections she would lose horribly. Instead, she relies on the entrenched and corrupt establishment to coronate her. She can't even e-mail properly and has virtually no accomplishments as Secretary of State. If not, what has she done as Secretary of State?

When asking people what Hillary has accomplished, they always tell you all the fabulous positions she has been given, but never tell you the accomplishments while in those positions because there are not any.

She may not even be well enough to debate Trump on stage for 2 hours without having a coughing fit or a seizure.

Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07
19 Sep 16

Hillary is so incredibly lucky to be running against an ignorant clown. Trump might be the only Republican nominee in history that she could beat.


02 Jan 06
19 Sep 16

Originally posted by stevemcc
You are free to focus on Clinton. Gates' point is that Trump is worse. Willful ignorance is a powerful disincentive.
The fact that Hillary's judgment is so clearly absent for all to see and your inability to see in regarding the outcome of her tenure as Secretary of State is duly noted.

Mickey Mouse could do better.


02 Jan 06
19 Sep 16

Originally posted by sh76
Hillary is so incredibly lucky to be running against an ignorant clown. Trump might be the only Republican nominee in history that she could beat.
The two party system is a sham. Trump is a plant, but even if he were not, I don't see how he could do worse.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by whodey
When asking people what Hillary has accomplished, they always tell you all the fabulous positions she has been given, but never tell you the accomplishments while in those positions because there are not any.
This is the sort of stupidity that I was talking about earlier. You cannot find any fault in anything she did an any of her jobs in her career, so the best you have is a ridiculous claim that she must have 'accomplishments'. For most jobs, doing your job competently is an accomplishment. And its and accomplishment Trump has shown himself somewhat incapable of, having gone bankrupt multiple times.
Here in SA, plenty of people get appointed for political reasons because of who they know not because of what they can do. Many of them fail to do their jobs and it shows - and many get fired or removed as a result.
Clinton was Secretary of State and wasn't fired. If that isn't accomplishment enough for you then you are just plain desperate. Its not something either you or Trump could do.