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the metalheads making a move

the metalheads making a move


2 edits

@mghrn55 said
There hasn't been much in the way of clan business coming in here lately anyways.
Aside from you trying to figure out which clan you'd like to be in these days.

I liked Divegeester's video submission.
I figured out what Clan I wanted to be in after you took me out of pending matches on a hunch I may resign all my remaining games. I would not do that to the rest of the clan members I played with for years even before you came on board.

You and the gooster on the same wave length. Why does that not surprise me? 🙂
After all you took his side, I hope you were happy with that decision. 🙂 I know I am very happy with it right now. Now if you could teach him how to play Chess, that would be a big help to Your Clan. 🙂




@divegeester said
Clown tears taste the best.
If only you knew as much about chess as you did Clown tears which you shed! 🙂

Let the higher rated players in the clan teach you how to play chess, lose some of that fake pride. 🙂




@divegeester said
[sips clown tears]
LOL@ gooster sipping his tears. 🙂 Funny stuff gooster, lighten the mood in here a bit!




@shortcircuit said
Learn to read DONK

Then we will work on your ability to understand the words.
The reason I can't understand your point is because the fatty foods has destroyed your brain. Keep eating and you will be as big as a bus. You are almost there now!!!

Love your limited silly words.


If we took all of your vast knowledge and placed it in a split pea shell, it would look like a BB rolling down a 12 lane highway.

You attempts to insult others in an attempt to elevate your importance is a condition you should speak to your doctor about nurse!! Aside from the fact that your barbs are ridiculous and you are a total buffoon, you are really beginning to bore the hell out of me.


So, mathematically you guys are still in a battle for first place if I am not mistaken. I don't see a big dump yet, so would assume you are still looking at 1rst place? Much better to work on that than calling names when you say you are bored.


1 edit

Excuse me, did I make a comment to you?
Thought I was speaking to vespin.
I will have to be more explicit next time.

I was speaking to the DONK.


@shortcircuit said
Excuse me, did I make a comment to you?
Thought I was speaking to vespin.
I will have to be more explicit next time.

I was speaking to the DONK.
Excuse me, but last time I looked this was a public forum, if you want to call names, perhaps you should P.M., him. I am sure he would have no problem to accommodate you. So now you're a name caller? Again wouldn't it be more productive working on your games?
You never answered the question about being mathematically still in the quest for 1rst place? I believe you still have a chance do you not? It would be more productive than in here calling people names my old friend.



as a tongue and cheek of "who is the worse player" because M55 and shorty said how much I suck at chess. And they are right. I am horrible. So I sent a challenge of two people worth 2 whole points. Me vs Dive. For the title of worse player. I think Dive and me are on the same level. This is not an insult and I don't mean for it to be.

I thought two games with me and Dive. He beats me, I'm the worse, and the reverse is the same.

M55 did not want to take the chance I guess. It would have been a fun thing to do and meant nothing in the end as we all know neither me or Dive are the worse players on the site.

I'm going to put Dive on my buddy list and we can play outside the clan since M55 won't allow us to play. Dive if you want to play two games, white and black you are in my buddy list. Please feel free to start the two games. You and I had good games when I came onto the site.

The challenge has been issued. I hope you accept.



@vespin said
as a tongue and cheek of "who is the worse player" because M55 and shorty said how much I suck at chess. And they are right. I am horrible. So I sent a challenge of two people worth 2 whole points. Me vs Dive. For the title of worse player. I think Dive and me are on the same level. This is not an insult and I don't mean for it to be.

I thought two gam ...[text shortened]... games when I came onto the site.

The challenge has been issued. I hope you accept.

I'll make you an offer......
Change your username to "DONK" and I'll give you all the games against Divegeester you want.

Of course, I'll have to run this by Divegeester first.
I wouldn't want him to lose his concentration on the chess games because he is laughing too much.

An offer you can't refuse, DONK !!


@mghrn55 said
I'll make you an offer......
Change your username to "DONK" and I'll give you all the games against Divegeester you want.

Of course, I'll have to run this by Divegeester first.
I wouldn't want him to lose his concentration on the chess games because he is laughing too much.

An offer you can't refuse, DONK !!

DONK What Does Donk Mean?

In the strictest terms, the word "donk" is any 1971 to 1976 full-sized Chevy Caprice or Impala that has been subjected to a high-riser treatment with tall wheels (24 inchers would be considered the bare minimum), low-profile tires, and lots of ground clearance. Jun 14, 2021 🙂

Now the Slang means something else I will not post just plain RUDE!!!


1 edit

@vespin said
as a tongue and cheek of "who is the worse player" because M55 and shorty said how much I suck at chess. And they are right. I am horrible. So I sent a challenge of two people worth 2 whole points. Me vs Dive. For the title of worse player. I think Dive and me are on the same level. This is not an insult and I don't mean for it to be.

I thought two gam ...[text shortened]... games when I came onto the site.

The challenge has been issued. I hope you accept.

Appears pretty obvious m55 is concerned you will win! 🙂 You know they have to have a landslide in rating difference to play anyone. They are working now on proving me wrong, but have months of games that were played like that. I didn't see that when I was in the Clan. I guess I was too busy just playing my own games. I got thrown under the bus a few times, but the Clan won which was all that mattered. I am seeing things from a different view now, which if I had know earlier probably would have left earlier than I did and would have had nothing to do with the gooster, just what they were doing. No wonder Clans don't want to play anymore. I guess sometimes you just have to fight fire with fire, no choice!
I am not as proud of the 7 year wins in a row as I once was!


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