membership in one clan

membership in one clan


northern utah

16 Jan 23
29 Apr 23



22 Apr 05
03 May 23

Interesting title,

I thought it could be a new version of "people should choose only one clan to give the full measure to that one.

I myself am member of some clans and have no problem with my loyality

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
03 May 23

@ponderable said
Interesting title,

I thought it could be a new version of "people should choose only one clan to give the full measure to that one.

I myself am member of some clans and have no problem with my loyality
I would like to know how you can have equal loyalty to what ever clans you're in?



Victor, New York

08 May 09
03 May 23

@Very-Rusty When you are in multiple clans, you can't play against the other clans you are in. So, it's just a function of trying to win each game you are scheduled for.
If you're crazy enough to get deep into the conspiracy nuttiness, then I guess it's possible you could try to lose a match against another clan that is in competition for a position with a second clan you are part of, but do you think that would really matter? I don't.
Since you can't play against another clan you are in, there seems little incentive to not play your best.



22 Apr 05
03 May 23
2 edits

@very-rusty said
I would like to know how you can have equal loyalty to what ever clans you're in?

In fact the clanClan 126 I was captaining is not active, as is Clan 2, where I used to talk about Terry Pratchett's work.
I think non of the clans I ever played for was competing for place 1, though we won the clan leagues waaaaay back

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
03 May 23

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty When you are in multiple clans, you can't play against the other clans you are in. So, it's just a function of trying to win each game you are scheduled for.
If you're crazy enough to get deep into the conspiracy nuttiness, then I guess it's possible you could try to lose a match against another clan that is in competition for a position with a second clan you ar ...[text shortened]... you can't play against another clan you are in, there seems little incentive to not play your best.
I do understand you can't play against your own clan, but you can also try harder for one clan than you would another, right???


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
03 May 23
3 edits

@ponderable said
In fact the clanClan 126 I was captaining is not active, as is Clan 2, where I used to talk about Terry Pratchett's work.
I think non of the clans I ever played for was competing for place 1, though we won the clan leagues waaaaay back
I can see where that would be different where you are really not competing for 1rst place I've been competing for 1rst place since 2008. Have been fortunate to have been on two great Clans finishing no worst than 2nd and a lot of 1rst place finishes. I got very lucky I do know that. As you know I am still trying to improve my game in the "Ghost Chamber".



Victor, New York

08 May 09
03 May 23

@Very-Rusty To what point? What are the chances that one person could affect one match (ok, maybe several) enough to cause one of the clans they belong to to beat the other clan in the standings? Even if you are playing for first place, which I think we all are even if our clans do not do so well. The odds are pretty low that it could happen.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
03 May 23
1 edit

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty To what point? What are the chances that one person could affect one match (ok, maybe several) enough to cause one of the clans they belong to to beat the other clan in the standings? Even if you are playing for first place, which I think we all are even if our clans do not do so well. The odds are pretty low that it could happen.
Well, I have clanmates who play for multiple clans, seemed to have worked out pretty good for us the last couple of years 2nd and 1rst places. This is my personal question is one could possibly try harder for one clan than the other. So far I have stuck my Clan play to one clan.



Victor, New York

08 May 09
03 May 23

@Very-Rusty I understand your point. Not sure why someone would join more than one clan and intentionally play differently but it's possible. When I was in three clans, I tried to win every game I played. Of course, I do that with all of my games.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
03 May 23

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty I understand your point. Not sure why someone would join more than one clan and intentionally play differently but it's possible. When I was in three clans, I tried to win every game I played. Of course, I do that with all of my games.

I didn't mean you personally, understand I meant that people could play harder for one clan than the other.


16 Feb 08
04 May 23

@very-rusty said
I would like to know how you can have equal loyalty to what ever clans you're in?

Maybe ask those in your clan who mention are in multiple clans.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
04 May 23

@divegeester said
Maybe ask those in your clan who mention are in multiple clans.
It appears to be working out great for us gooster, 2nd year before last and of course 1rst last year.


16 Feb 08
06 May 23

@very-rusty said
It appears to be working out great for us gooster, 2nd year before last and of course 1rst last year.

So in fact you CAN see how a player can have loyalty to more than one clan, how that would work (especially in your own clan), and your comment above that you can understand it was made without you giving it much thought?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
06 May 23
6 edits

@divegeester said
So in fact you CAN see how a player can have loyalty to more than one clan, how that would work (especially in your own clan), and your comment above that you can understand it was made without you giving it much thought?
Actually that is incorrect gooster. I believe a player is going to have more loyalty to one clan than another. Like the fellow that says he loves 2 women equally, that just doesn't happen he is going to love one just a bit more than the other.

If you were the leader of another clan which you'd have a rough time putting together what clan would come first your own clan or Metallica?.....We know the politically correct answer would be Metallica, but how true would that be?

shortcircuit once had a rule or at least presented the idea he would like to see everyone play for just one Clan. Now of course this was back over a decade ago and things may have changed. Look at all the clans we have lost I believe we only have 4 pages out of all the pages of clans we use to have and the 4th page isn't even full.

I'd like to see a half dozen teams with a real shot at winning first place every year. Then you would feel like you have won something. Right now we have 2 Clans mainly fighting for 1rst with 3 other clans that could be in contention if they did things a little differently in my opinion. Those 3 clans know who they are and finish around the same spot each year. IVV was the only big surprise the year your clan finished 4th and I walked into a 2nd place finish mid year of 21 in June 21 I believe it was.

BTW: Yes, I did give it a lot of thought, like I did before leaving Metallica. It just seems to have worked out well for us as aforementioned.


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