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26 Aug 07
18 Aug 16

Originally posted by radioactive69
Thankfully........it was.
yes not by you but the system! caught telling porkies again! ouch!

Fun, fun fun!!

On the beach

26 Aug 06
18 Aug 16


26 Aug 07
18 Aug 16

The post that was quoted here has been removed
I don't think anyone is as saggy as you.

Fun, fun fun!!

On the beach

26 Aug 06
18 Aug 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I don't think anyone is as saggy as you.
You wish loser.

Oh.......and stop trying to send me lopsided challenges. I'm sick of deleting them


16 Feb 08
18 Aug 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I don't think anyone is as saggy as you.
What is "saggy"?

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
18 Aug 16

Originally posted by divegeester
What is "saggy"?
I think he has been comparing jewel bags again.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
18 Aug 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I don't think anyone is as saggy as you.
The definition of saggy is something that is not firm or hangs down. An example of saggy is a mattress that has indentations. An example of saggy is skin after a significant amount of weight has been lost.

Hard to tell what he means by it. Might be one too many of his Health brews. πŸ˜‰


16 Jan 07
18 Aug 16

Originally posted by Very Rusty
The definition of saggy is something that is not firm or hangs down. An example of saggy is a mattress that has indentations. An example of saggy is skin after a significant amount of weight has been lost.

Hard to tell what he means by it. Might be one too many of his Health brews. πŸ˜‰

Yes, as in Bagpuss, "the saggy old cloth cat, baggy and a bit loose at the seams", but loved by the heroine, Emily. Basically a term of endearment.

For those unfortunate enough to be unfamiliar with this treasure, Wikipedia and Google will fill you in.


26 Aug 07
18 Aug 16
2 edits

Originally posted by radioactive69
You wish loser.

Oh.......and stop trying to send me lopsided challenges. I'm sick of deleting them
Don't be like that, please let me join your clan, I wanna know what its like to be that lame! If I go and play some tournaments you know, to slim down my rating a bit, will you let me join then?


16 Feb 08
19 Aug 16

Originally posted by Startreader
Yes, as in Bagpuss, "the saggy old cloth cat, baggy and a bit loose at the seams", but loved by the heroine, Emily. Basically a term of endearment.

For those unfortunate enough to be unfamiliar with this treasure, Wikipedia and Google will fill you in.
Are you and Robbie still forum buddies?

Btw I enjoyed our game and congrats on the win.

16 Jan 07
19 Aug 16

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you and Robbie still forum buddies?

Btw I enjoyed our game and congrats on the win.
Thanks divegeester' yes, I enjoyed our game too. Good game!

Am I "still" forum buddies with Robbie?

Was that actually the case, do you think, or more a matter of your perception? I start out with an attitude of friendship to all the world. From time to time one encounters unfortunate behaviour and/or peculiar and unfortunate allegiances that make friendship less possible.

That's it, really. I am as you see me. There are certain people with whom I find friendship impossible. There's a guy living north of the border who is both archetypal cheat and bully, for instance, and it's not Robbie. There's another guy, not living this side of the Atlantic, who feigned friendship with many but it turned out that he sought friendship only if in turn he received adulation and a willingness from others to be used in a cheating web of a system. I will have no truck with either. Robbie is neither of those people but unfortunately is closely associated with both.

There are many people here whom I like a lot and with whom I am very good friends; I'll always speak as I find and won't be swayed by a majority view for or against.



26 Aug 07
19 Aug 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Startreader
Yes, as in Bagpuss, "the saggy old cloth cat, baggy and a bit loose at the seams", but loved by the heroine, Emily. Basically a term of endearment.

For those unfortunate enough to be unfamiliar with this treasure, Wikipedia and Google will fill you in.
thats right, Very Crusty, the saggiest, baggiest old cloth cat in the whole world but shirelycircuit loved him. 😡

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
19 Aug 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
thats right, Very Crusty, the saggiest, baggiest old cloth cat in the whole world but shirelycircuit loved him. 😡
ROFLMAO....Your obsession with Metallica and members are funny to me. In reality you probably need some professional help with your obsession. Please old friend, find some help before it becomes to late for you. Karma must be biting your butt hard now, you are striking out much more,

Kindest Regards,
Have a great day,


31 May 12
19 Aug 16

I find the argument that resigning games, irrespective of board position, is legitimate after a match has been decided tenuous. It makes no difference whether a player resigns a game on the 1st move or on the 51st move, it makes no difference whether a player resigns a game in a match which has already been decided or in a match which is still wide open-—the effect in fact is the same: the player’s rating is deflated and he therefore goes into the next match with a rating which does not accurately reflect his true playing strength. This gives him a potentially unfair advantage over a player who has an accurate rating. If some people do not wish to call this “sandbagging” I will not quibble over terminology, but, however it is called, it leads to misrepresentation of players’ true strengths, even if skewing ratings is not the stated purpose of resigning said games.

Please note: this is a separate issue to collusion; preventing collusion will not resolve this issue.

“… artificially lowering a rating needs to be defined. A person can fight to the end and still have their rating lowered by the same amount.”

Of course, a player’s rating will drop by the same amount whether he struggles on to the end or resigns before the position is seen to be lost. The difference is, if a player resigns before the position is seen to be lost, the drop does not necessarily accurately represent his true strength (if he could have won or drawn the game), whereas if he struggles on to the point where he sees it to be lost and resigns (based on the board position as he sees it), his rating drop does accurately reflect his true strength. Playing on until a position is seen to be lost does not constitute an artificial rating drop. Resigning games, regardless of board position, once a match has been decided--a practice shortcircuit has publicly stated his clan (sometimes) pursues in clan challenges--does artificially drop ratings, since some of those games might have been won or drawn.

Please note: this does not depend on whether any given player is capable of recognising whether any given position is lost. The principle is that resigning games regardless of board position takes it out of the realm of what any given player is capable of seeing on the board, and takes on the appearance of a deliberate policy to manipulate the system.

I understand that some match games drag on even after the match has already been decided, locking up players who perhaps would like to move on to other matches. Well, lads, that's what time limits are for: play shorter time limits and you'll get through your games/matches quicker.

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
19 Aug 16

Originally posted by moonbus
I find the argument that resigning games, irrespective of board position, is legitimate after a match has been decided tenuous. It makes no difference whether a player resigns a game on the 1st move or on the 51st move, it makes no difference whether a player resigns a game in a match which has already been decided or in a match which is still wide op ...[text shortened]... time limits are for: play shorter time limits and you'll get through your games/matches quicker.
As we have discussed, the resignation of games in a decided challenge is NOT done for the purposes of lowering the already ridiculous rating system in place. Over 80% of the players currently in clan chess are playing at rating BELOW their true playing level. So how in the hell can anyone call them exacting in any way whatsoever?

Then when you have players (?) like McTatyto who use the easier method of ratings manipulation by entering tournaments and mass resigning games, why would anyone go to the trouble of resigning clan games JUST FOR THIS PURPOSE? No one with any intelligence would, which is why robbie and McTayto and others think we do. They collectively don't have enough common sense to pour their own piss out of their boots.

I believe, as do many others on this site, that the collusion exhibited by robbie and the three sisters is the foulest stench on this site. They are the ones who will be branded forever as the ones who destroyed clan chess at RHP. They will be the ones who will carry the blame for all of the subscriptions that RHP will lose over it. That was Russ' choice, and Russ will have to live with the consequences.