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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
09 Feb 17

I wonder what they will make of it when it gets out of the lab.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
09 Feb 17

Originally posted by sonhouse

I wonder what they will make of it when it gets out of the lab.
Rocket jet packs for moon travel.
You know: if we can ever figure out how to get there safely.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
09 Feb 17
1 edit

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Rocket jet packs for moon travel.
You know: if we can ever figure out how to get there safely.
You really need to check your meds, you have gone off again. Gone off in left field.

I posted this in the wrong forum. Didn't expect to rattle your cage.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
09 Feb 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
You really need to check your meds, you have gone off again. Gone off in left field.

I posted this in the wrong forum. Didn't expect to rattle your cage.
Had you posted it in Science, I would have the same response.
Any idea why NASA and its "astronauts" are all saying the same thing about the VARB?
Kind of strange, really.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
09 Feb 17

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Had you posted it in Science, I would have the same response.
Any idea why NASA and its "astronauts" are all saying the same thing about the VARB?
Kind of strange, really.
Since you think NASA ALWAYS lies, what difference does it make what they said? Oh, you mean now that there is something vaguely like an admission you might be right, NOW you believe them?


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
09 Feb 17
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
Since you think NASA ALWAYS lies, what difference does it make what they said? Oh, you mean now that there is something vaguely like an admission you might be right, NOW you believe them?
I believe them as far as I can throw them.
Pointing out that they are now hedging "further exploration" on the need to figure out the VARB is not agreeing with their data as much as it is singling out their non-stop lies.

One of the proofs (and benefits, too) of actual science is a field's ability to make accurate predictions about outcomes.
In at least one field, NASA is without peer.
Of course, that field has nothing to do with space or earth sciences, but you have to take 'em where you can get 'em.

As you can see in this video,

two 'astro-nots' are sporting NFL jerseys of the opposing teams in Super Bowl 51's game.
Last time the ISS was visited by any shuttles was back in October, so they're claiming they had all 32 teams' jerseys on board since at least that time--- just for this special show, apparently.
Given all the superfluous items on board there--- ape suits, guitars, etc.,--- it's a wonder they have any time or space for actual space/science-y work.

But let's assume they have been carrying an extra 50 or so pounds for no apparent reason than to hold this extra special show.

If the last shuttle was back in October, how did they get an official Wilson commemorative football... you know: the one with the teams' names on it?

I guess their predictive ability in football outcomes is their true money maker.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
09 Feb 17

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I believe them as far as I can throw them.
Pointing out that they are now hedging "further exploration" on the need to figure out the VARB is not agreeing with their data as much as it is singling out their non-stop lies.

One of the proofs (and benefits, too) of actual science is a field's ability to make accurate predictions about outcomes.
In at lea ...[text shortened]... ame-football

I guess their predictive ability in football outcomes is their true money maker.
And of course you must also have monitored the hours spent on ground scientist's experiments by the astronauts and noted the few minutes spent having fun. What a terrible thing, crew members actually having fun. How dare they?

You are a piece of work that is for sure.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
09 Feb 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
And of course you must also have monitored the hours spent on ground scientist's experiments by the astronauts and noted the few minutes spent having fun. What a terrible thing, crew members actually having fun. How dare they?

You are a piece of work that is for sure.
I'm sorry, I must have missed it.
Did you have an explanation as to how they ended up with a commemorative football--- with the participant's names on it--- for a Super Bowl that occurred on February 05, 2017, when the last possible US launch to ISS was back in November?
Did they reach a time warp of some kind?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
09 Feb 17

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I'm sorry, I must have missed it.
Did you have an explanation as to how they ended up with a commemorative football--- with the participant's names on it--- for a Super Bowl that occurred on February 05, 2017, when the last possible US launch to ISS was back in November?
Did they reach a time warp of some kind?
I don't give a rats ass about foosball memorabilia, means nothing to me. The fact you are a traitor, THAT means something to me.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
10 Feb 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
I don't give a rats ass about foosball memorabilia, means nothing to me. The fact you are a traitor, THAT means something to me.
You don't need to care about the items per se, as what they are isn't as important as when they are where they are, as it brings up the question of how they are.

The who and the why are separate and undisclosed... for the time being.

Let's dig in, shall we?
Do let's!

The two patriotic heroes on the high-tech marvel known as ISS are shown in the video wearing their favorite NFL team's jerseys, before the Super Bowl.
A separate video shows the same two freedom lovers digging through a parcel of many team jerseys for these same two jerseys worn in this video.
All of the jerseys are numbered "51," ostensibly for the 51st Super Bowl, denoted as "LI" in nearly all of the NFL's gear and print publications.
On the back of all visible jerseys (including those worn for the Super Bowl special) is the word "NASA" in the space normally reserved for a player's name.
We're told that all 32 teams had a jersey representation on the station from some undisclosed supply shuttle--- most likely one of the last two, which occurred in October or finally in November last year, the last of which fell between Week 10 and 11 of the 17 week season.

So far, so good.

There's a few good natured asides by either of the two astute scientist/astronauts/freedom lovers relative to football, the view from their perch on high, food and etc., all the while a football is floating and spinning in the foreground between them and the camera.

I've provided a link to Wilson's website for that football in order to verify it's the same football and not possibly another one.

That football has all of the regular designations one would expect, but, as it is not their regular game ball, we can visibly see the distinctions which mark it as a commemorative football.
Wilson knew this year's Super Bowl was "LI," or the 51st Super Bowl, just as anyone else was able to ascertain the same info: they simply add one to whatever last year's number was.
In fact, it would be relatively simple to create a chart to determine what Super Bowl will fall in any particular year.

So far, still good.

Getting a football on board would present the same obstacles as getting the jerseys: they would necessarily require something to shuttle it from down here to up there.
No problem, right?

So when was the last time a shuttle could have transported either jerseys, the football or both for those freedom loving astronauts to don and play with?
As stated, between Weeks 10 and 11, a full six weeks before playoffs--- maybe that's why they decided not to take any chances and send ALL the teams' jerseys.

The burning question, sonhouse, is how these patriotic freedom loving hero astronauts were able to play with a ball which had the names of the two teams who played in that game?
If they received the last shuttle two to three months before the participants were decided via play-off victories, how could they possibly have a football with the two names on it?

Things that make you go... huh.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
10 Feb 17

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Did you have an explanation as to how they ended up with a commemorative football--- with the participant's names on it---


26 Dec 14
10 Feb 17

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
You don't need to care about the items per se, as what they are isn't as important as when they are where they are, as it brings up the question of how they are.

The who and the why are separate and undisclosed... for the time being.

Let's dig in, shall we?
Do let's!

The two patriotic heroes on the high-t ...[text shortened]... could they possibly have a football with the two names on it?

Things that make you go... huh.
Maybe NASA brought them 800 footballs to cover all possibilities? 🙂

Sonhouse? How did they have that football?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
10 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Maybe NASA brought them 800 footballs to cover all possibilities? 🙂

Sonhouse? How did they have that football?
Let your buddy Freak tell you, I'm sure he will have an answer.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
10 Feb 17

Originally posted by wolfgang59
First post herein.
The video shows the ball they're playing with.
The http link shows the same ball on Wilson's website for comparison.
Here's the Wikipedia link to shuttle dates:

The ball would have had to be shuttled there either #84 or #85.

Or, unmanned:

The last US shuttle (#95) here took off on October 17, 2016.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
10 Feb 17

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
First post herein.
The video shows the ball they're playing with.
The http link shows the same ball on Wilson's website for comparison.
Here's the Wikipedia link to shuttle dates:

The ball would have had to be shuttled there either #84 or #85.

Or, unmann ...[text shortened]... _the_International_Space_Station

The last US shuttle (#95) here took off on October 17, 2016.
I don't really care about such nonsense. It just goes to show you will go to any lengths to "prove" Nasa never launched a satellite which is your bottom line. Which is so full of shyte it is not worth arguing over. Have fun with your fantasies. Here is a challenge, which you never responded to: Book a trip on the circumnavigation of Antarctica, there are rooms left. My gut feeling is, 1) you won't do it. 2) if you did, you would deny having gone all the way round citing more of your superstitious nonsense. You say you do your own research but have YOU ever tried to circumnavigate Antartica? Or are you satisfied to just parrot other people's thoughts?