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Queen's pawn - Lundin (Kevitz-Mikenas) defence

Queen's pawn - Lundin (Kevitz-Mikenas) defence

1. d4 Nc6

Queen's pawn - Lundin (Kevitz-Mikenas) defence

1. d4 Nc6

Playing the Queen's pawn - Lundin (Kevitz-Mikenas) defence

The Queen's Pawn Lundin (Kevitz-Mikenas) Defence is a chess opening that arises from the Queen's Pawn Game. It begins with the moves:

1. d4 d52. Bf4

This opening is named after the Swedish player Ernst Lundin, who introduced it in the 1940s, and the Latvian players Vladimirs Kevitz and Vladimirs Mikenas, who developed it further.

The Lundin (Kevitz-Mikenas) Defence is considered a solid and reliable choice for Black. It aims to control the center and develop pieces rapidly. Black avoids the more heavily analyzed lines of the Queen's Gambit Declined and Slav Defence, which can be an advantage if White is a well-prepared player.

Reasons to play the Lundin (Kevitz-Mikenas) Defence:

1. Solid Structure: The defence leads to a solid pawn structure for Black, reducing the chances of early tactical blows.

2. Less Theoretical: Compared to other defences against 1.d4, the Lundin (Kevitz-Mikenas) Defence is less theoretical. This means you can spend less time memorizing lines and more time focusing on understanding the positions.

3. Flexibility: The defence offers Black a lot of flexibility in how to arrange their pieces. This can make it harder for White to predict and prepare for Black's plans.

Reasons not to play the Lundin (Kevitz-Mikenas) Defence:

1. Passive Position: If not handled carefully, Black can end up with a cramped and passive position. White can often put pressure on Black's position with moves like c4 and Nc3.

2. Lack of Central Control: Black's pawn on d5 can be a target, and it doesn't control the e4 square, which White can use to establish a strong pawn center.

3. Less Popular: The defence is not as popular or tested at the highest levels of play as some other defences against 1.d4. This means there is less analysis and fewer high-level games to study and learn from.

In conclusion, the Lundin (Kevitz-Mikenas) Defence can be a good choice if you're looking for a solid, less theoretical defence against 1.d4. However, it requires careful play to avoid ending up in a passive position. As with any chess opening, it's important to study and understand the typical plans and strategies for both sides.

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