Annotated Chess Game 12625014 by @777784

Annotated Chess Game 12625014 by @777784

Annotated Games

This game is interesting to me because it seemed like my position was a bust early on and I was pretty much resigned in my mind to losing. But I continued to look for “impossible moves” (those we often dismiss as terrible without investigating the consequences) and was able to “pull a rabbit out of a hat” at the end.

  • 1. d4
    For some strange reason, I always hope to play the Modern Benoni when white opens with 1. d4, even though I usually lose with it.
    • 1... Ng8f6
      I always play 1...Nf6 in response to 1. d4. The other main move, 1...d5, seems boring.
      • 2. c4
        This is a pretty standard move after 1. d4
        • 2... e6
          A waiting move. I want to see which white knight comes out first. If the king’s knight, I’ll almost always play the Modern Benoni with 3...c5 because white’s f-pawn will be blocked. If the queen’s knight, I’ll almost always play the Queen’s Gambit Declined (by transposition) with 3...d5 because white’s f-pawn will still be mobile, making the Modern Benoni too dangerous, imo.
          • 3. Nb1c3
            I think this is the most common move by white in this position. White wants to advance his e-pawn for a huge pawn center and so protects square e4.
            • 3... d5
              This move marks the Queen’s Gambit Declined (by transposition.) Black adds more pressure on square e4 to discourage white from playing e4.
              • 4. Ng1f3
                Seems like routine development though square e5 would be a nice home for that white knight.
                • 4... Bf8e7
                  When I’m feeling reckless, I’ll play ...c5 here, but I think I opted for ...Be7 because I wanted to castle.
                  • 5. e3
                    This move seemed a little odd to me because it hems in white’s dark-squared bishop. I expected Bg5 instead.
                    • 5... O-O
                      Logical follow-up to my previous move. I try to castle early when I have black.
                        Game started
                        02 Mar '18
                        Last move
                        16 Mar '18
                        Game Lost
                        17 Mar '18
                        17 Mar '18
                        24 Mar '18
                        Annotation Id

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