Annotated Chess Game 12520705 by heise

Annotated Chess Game 12520705 by heise

Annotated Games

Ruy Lopez with 5. ...Bf8d6

  • 1. e4 e5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. Bf1b5 a6 4. Bb5a4 Ng8f6 5. O-O Bf8d6
    ? The first departure from book moves. I have never seen 5... Bf8d6 before. I decided to attack with d4, hoping for an attack along the e file.
    • 6. d4 Nf6xe4
      Helps to open the e file for white. Stockfish recommends b7b5 for black instead of the text move.
      • 7. dxe5
        ? Stockfish prefers Qd1e2 to the text move.
        • 7... Nc6xe5
          ? 7. ...Bd6e7 was better for black. Black grabbed a pawn, but he opened the e-file up again for white.
          • 8. Rf1e1
            8 Rf1e1 to pressure the e file. Stockfish prefers Nf3xe5.
            • 8... f5
              ?? 8... f5 to protect e4 allows even more pressure on the e file, because of 9 Ba4b3 to prevent castling. Stockfish prefers Ne5xf2.
              • 9. Ba4b3
                To prevent kingside castling. Better was: 9. Nf3xe5 Bd6xe5 10. Re1xe4 f5xe4 11. Qd1h5+ Ke8f8 12. Qh5xe5
                • 9... b5
                  With 9...b5 Black intends 10...Nc4 to block the bishop along the diagonal a2-g8.
                  • 10. Bb3d5
                    10 Bb3d5 thwarts blacks plan and attacks e4 and a8.
                    • 10... c6 11. Bd5xe4
                      If 11. f5xe4 Qd1xd6
                        Game started
                        22 Dec '17
                        Last move
                        24 Dec '17
                        Game Lost
                        25 Dec '17
                        25 Dec '17
                        15 Feb '18
                        Annotation Id

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