
Rating 1436

Accepting all challenges
Daily ChessLast move 1 day 21 hours and 38 minutes ago

About cryingsamurai

The saga of the Bridgewalker. \nThey say, he could turn black to white and make easy what’s right. For a thousand years to come, he lives prosperous under the sun. And all he needed in the end, was just a word of encouragement. \nChapter 1. The Bridgewalker is holding a speech to his subordinates just before battle. He speaks these encouraging words: "If you want to see the break of dawn, you must be willing to commit yourself fully! You have to follow me and my kin into battle and you must trust me, it is the only way! The enemy is at our gates, who is your Captain?" And the men all cried: "Samurai! Samurai! Samurai!" \nThere is nothing in the world like Japanese valour. \n\nChapter 2. The samurai takes off his mask and wants to weep for his fallen comrades, but can’t. For he must defend his home still. After slaying a dozen more soldiers, he drives his blade into the ground and kneels. He feels tears trickling down his face. They fall onto the dark soil. This is the first time he has ever cried as a samurai. \n\nThe end, but not the end.

Rating Trend (last 50 games)

Rated Won / Drawn / Lost

All Rated

22 games

As White

12 games

As Black

10 games

Daily ChessStats

Games Played48
In Progress2
All Moves1349
Moves This Month34
Tourn. Entry Rating1436

Live ChessStats

Games Played8

Rated Color


22 games


12 games


10 games


0 games

Rated Timeouts


0 games


0 games


90 days1 Year5 Years
Highest Rating143614361436
Average Rating142314231423
Lowest Rating141214121412
Opponent Average Rating132713271327
Games Rated3322
  • Moves This Month is the number of moves made since the 1st of the month.
  • Highest Rating excludes provisional (first 20) games.
  • Tournament Entry Rating is calculated by the formula (CurrentRating + HighestRating) / 2. The entry rating will never drop to more than 100 points below your Highest Rating.
  • Rated stats are updated within 24 hours of the last completed rated game.
  • Last refreshed on 13 Apr '24 .

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